29 July 2010

Hyper Report - 100729

Repent -- The End Is Near
Here is a very short list of economic problems to see the critical condition we are in:
  1. Virtually everything you look at is broken and unfixable, from both a mathematical and political standpoint.
  2. All democratic welfare states are insolvent and incapable of meeting their obligations.
  3. Sovereign defaults are likely and will likely occur in domino fashion.
  4. Insane economic policies and regulations are making matters worse.
  5. The housing market has farther to go on the downside. Foreclosures will accelerate.
  6. Private pensions and union pensions are grossly underfunded and likely to become worse when financial markets tank.
  7. The welfare system is unsustainable and has to be dismantled.
  8. The banking system is insolvent, with many banks unlikely to survive.
  9. The FDIC is in a deep hole from which there is no escape other than additional taxpayer bailouts.
This economic list is not comprehensive; in that, geopolitical risks, if considered, would produce another frightening list. At any rate, a Depression far greater than the 1930's is coming.

Doomsday Shelters Making a Comeback
There are signs that underground shelters, almost-forgotten relics of the Cold War era, are making a comeback. From Earthquakes to Terrorist events, people are scared and they are putting their money down for a shelter. Companies, such as Radiuos Engineering, say that the shelter building business is booming. Looks like people are taking "Hope and Change" into their own hands and not leaving it up to others....

Your New Health Care System
By reviewing the flow chart of the new health care system,, you can easily see that it will dramatically lower health care cost. Seriously, how can this mess make anything cheaper? Sadly, Obamacare is so complex that even the flow chart presented can only show about one-third of the foolishness involved. There is so much intertwined, serpentine connections that there was no physical way to even get it all displayed at once.

Speaking of health care, next...
One In Five Californians Say They Need Mental Health Care
Almost 5 million California adults say they could use help with a mental or emotional problem, according to a survey released Wednesday by researchers at UCLA. One in three people who perceive a need for mental health services or are in serious distress have seen a professional for treatment. Adults under age 65 were twice as likely to perceive the need for help. The poorest adults were more than five times as likely to report symptoms of serious psychological distress compared to those living well above the federal poverty level. I wonder if California's fiscal mess and ability to conduct day to day services might be contributing factor?

Please prepare now for the forthcoming economic, and subsequent social, unrest that will hit the US.
Good Day

28 July 2010

Hyper Report - 100728

CBO BOMB: Deficits Will Cause Debt To Rise To Unsupportable Levels
It is becoming more apparent to everyone that the US Government is subject to the same financial rules as everyone else. Spend well above what you bring in, and go deeper into debt. Go deeper into debt and you are likely to lose everything. Legislators may have time to make sound policy choices to avert a crisis. But what choices would do this? Cut Social Security and Medicare? Yeah, like we are going to see a bunch of US Politicians, with help from the AARP, get elected on that platform.... Not! It is more likely that investors will lose confidence abruptly and interest rates on government debt would rise sharply; which, will cause the situation to get far worse.

Home Vacancies Rise as U.S. Ownership Falls to Lowest in Decade
About 18.9 million homes in the U.S. stood empty during the second quarter as surging foreclosures helped push ownership to the lowest level in a decade. Lenders are accelerating foreclosures as borrowers fall behind in mortgage payments after the worst housing crash since the Great Depression. A record 4.6 percent of U.S. mortgages were in foreclosure in the first three months of 2010. The U.S. median home price tumbled 29 percent to an eight- year low of $164,600 in February. In short, there are a lot of people losing their homes and either moving in with family or renting places to live if they have a source of income.

Consumer Confidence Falls, Lowest Since February
With the stimulus running out of steam high unemployment and wage cuts, is it any wonder that consumers, or from its origin - squanders, are not willing to go deeper into personal debt with no way to pay it off? The index fell to 50.4 in July and since this is a 70% consumer economy... this is looking very bad indeed.

4 Vitamins That Can Save Your Life
It is important, because of the stress that we all face, to be as healthy as possible. To that end, please insure you are taking enough of the following vitamins.
  1. Vitamin D.
    It reduces the risk of several cancers, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and a host of other ailments.

  2. Vitamin C.
    It provides protection against cardiovascular disease, eye disease, deficiencies of the immune system, and even aging skin.

  3. Vitamin E.
    It boosts immunity and helps neutralize free radicals that damage cells.

  4. B Vitamins.
    It helps against cardiovascular disease, cancer, Parkinson's, and Alzheimer's.

Even though it is obvious, it is very important to stay as physically and mentally healthy as possible.

Please prepare now for the forthcoming economic, and subsequent social, unrest that will hit the US.
Good Day

27 July 2010

Hyper Report - 100727

Europe's Prospects Brighten as U.S. Fades
German business confidence is soaring while U.S. consumer sentiment sinks. Britain's second-quarter economic growth was almost twice as fast as expected, the strongest in four years. Friday's U.S. GDP report is likely to show a hefty contribution from government spending and a slowdown in consumer spending. With this and other factors, what happened to Europe being the weak link in the global economic recovery? It is even more apparent that in the US, that Odrama, a former community organizer, only knows how to demonize businesses and the acquisition of personal wealth at every turn. It's time to party like we are in Rome circa 330 AD!

Four Shocking Bombshells Bernanke Did NOT Tell Congress About Last Week
Last week, Benji Bernanke gave us a glimpse of the disasters now sweeping through the U.S. economy; however, there are four things he did not go into.
  1. The recession never ended. Yes, there was positive growth in the GDP; however, that was due to stimulus.
  2. The U.S. Housing Market Is Now LOCKED Into a Chronic, Long-Term Depression
  3. Official Government Data GROSSLY Understates the Magnitude of Unemployment which may be as high as 21.6 percent.
  4. The Biggest Government Interventions of ALL TIME which is causing the debt to go through the stratosphere. If you were counting on the government to prevent the second major leg in this great double-dip recession, don't hold your breath.
The Scariest Unemployment Graph I've Seen Yet
The median duration of unemployment is higher today than any time in the last 50 years. That's an understatement. It is more than twice as high today than any time in the last 50 years. Because of the high unemployment numbers, the government will extend unemployment benefits; thus, sadly getting us even deeper into debt til the whole system falls apart.

ObamaCare: The Rationing Begins in Earnest
The ink is not yet dry on the Obama Health Care takeover and the Administration is already attempting to limit life-extending drugs for cancer patients such as Avastin. Once these proven drugs are taken off the label, it is highly unlikely that patients will have access to these drugs unless they have the money to pay for it outright. So, in affect, the death panels are making their appearance.

To add on to this....
Some Insurers Stop Writing New Coverage For Kids
Yes, another unintended consequence, courtesy of Odrama and those who voted for the Healthcare bill without reading it. Some major health insurance companies will no longer issue individual policies for children. As a result, state insurance commissioners have brought the problem to the attention of the Obama administration. To which Odrama most likely be calling on Planned Parenthood for advice.

Please prepare now for the forthcoming economic, and subsequent social, unrest that will hit the US.
Good Day

26 July 2010

Hyper Report - 100726

Canada Recovers Almost All Jobs Lost in Recession

In Canada, employment rose by 93,000 in June, pushing the unemployment rate down 0.2 percentage points to 7.9%. This is the first time the rate has been below the 8% mark since January 2009. Canada actually cut government spending by 10% of GDP. In addition, while corporate tax rates in the US stayed at 40%, Canada dropped those tax rates from around 38% to about 25%. Its amazing what a country can do when it allows drilling and mining and wealth creation. Hey Odrama.... Are you watching the neighbors to the north... you might learn something.

Where and Why are Businesses Closing
1.5 Million businesses have already closed with small businesses being hit the hardest. As seen in this image, California, Texas, Florida, and New York have the greatest number of closures. The three states with the largest percentage of bankruptcies are Georgia, Tennessee, and Delaware. In 2009, Consumer spending, which is often gauged by holiday trends, was the worst shopping season for many businesses in the past five years. 40% of the yearly profits come from the holiday shopping months with some businesses. In the first quarter of 2010, Hertz, Textron, Sprint, Goodyear, and AMD are in the red and could be filing for bankruptcy very soon. It looks like we need some of that Obama money.

Oregon Budget Stands at Precarious Crossroad

Oregon is on the brink of financial disaster. Consider the fact that State expenses, including payroll, health and retirement benefits, and debt payments, are slated to rise by nearly $4 billion over the next two years -- a 26 percent jump. During the same period, however, revenues to pay those expenses are expected to increase by a little less than $2 billion, or about 14 percent. Oregon simply can't keep up; The only way out is to make dramatic, permanent changes. The choices that lie ahead affect not only the state budget, but what kind of schools will exist, which criminals go to prison, and who gets help when they need it. It appears that government will be shrinking in size real soon.

Guess What Part of the Constitution Goes Next!

Democrats have found yet another way to circumvent the U.S. Constitution: Bypass the Electoral College and elect a president by popular vote without first passing an amendment to the founding document. The Massachusetts Senate has joined five other states in passing a National Popular Vote bill to do just that. It approved the legislation July 15 by a margin of 28-10. There was a reason why the electoral collage was created. To prevent populated areas from stealing elections. Think Chicago and all of its dead voters.

Please prepare now for the forthcoming economic, and subsequent social, unrest that will hit the US.

Good Day

24 July 2010

Hyper Report - 100724

China May Switch To Currency Basket for Forex Rate
A top Chinese central bank official suggested switching away from the U.S. dollar as a benchmark for the Yuan’s foreign-exchange rate, switching instead to a basket of currencies. Gee.... Now why would they do a thing like that? Could it be the out-of-control spending in Washington? Na... that's just a vicious rumor! I particully liked one of the comments posted on the article.... Here is a new Cap and Trade proposal... We put a Cap on Obama and Trade him to China!

Bank Failure Tally Passes 100 For The Year
Yesterday, the tally of banks closed this year reached 100 with the closure of a Minnesota Bank. The FDIC expects the wave of bank failures that started in 2008 to peak sometime this year. Still, banks have been failing at a rapid pace this year. At this time in 2009, regulators had closed a total of 57 banks. The agency expects the number of failed banks to exceed last year's total of 140, though failures this year will not approach the historic levels seen during the savings and loan crisis in 1989 which resulted in the closure of 534 banks by regulators. Well that is a safe call since the government is propping the banks up for now.

White House Predicts Record $1.47 Trillion Deficit
New estimates from the White House on Friday predict the budget deficit will reach a record $1.47 trillion dollars this year. The government is borrowing 41 cents of every dollar it spends. The gaping deficits are of increasing concern to voters; however, Obama and others are taking a pass on deficit reduction this year. Why? So that Odrama can blame Republicans, when they take the house in November, for the austerity measures that will be implemented next year. He will work to make the Republicans look cruel and himself more favorably in 2012. This is so predictable.

Judge Questions Pre-emption Argument Against Arizona Immigration Law
It appears that Odrama's Justice Department were firing blanks in their suit against Arizona, and now the Federal judge hearing the case is weighing in.... U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton asked in a pointed exchange, "Why can’t Arizona be as inhospitable as they wish to people who have entered or remained in the United States?" On the topic of the preemption of being an illegal immigrant, she asked... "Where is the preemption if everybody who is arrested for some crime has their immigration status checked?" Now get this, she was nominated to the bench, not by a Republican, but by Clinton. You can just feel the love coming from the Odrama Regime on this one.

Please prepare now for the forthcoming economic, and subsequent social, unrest that will hit the US.
Good Day

23 July 2010

Hyper Report - 100723

European Central Bank Chief Calls For Global Tightening
Contrary to the spend spend spend attitude in Washington, the European Central Bank Chief is calling for Immediate Spending Cuts. Which is a good thing; however, he is also calling for tax hikes for the industrialized world - which shows is lack of understanding of the current economic situation. With that said, both manufacturing and services output in the euro zone grew significantly faster than expected in July.
The euro zone index of consumer confidence was also at its highest level in July for more than two years... as opposed to the declining consumer confidence in the US because of the idiotic and questionable leadership in Washington.

New Jobless Claims Jump by 37,000 After Hitting 2-Year Low
New jobless claims in the U.S. jumped last week by the most since February, reversing a sharp fall two weeks ago because of the loss of those Census Jobs. Add to that is the factor that 2 weeks ago, people did not believe unemployment extensions would be continue... And now, no more than 24 hours after the announcement that the benefits would be extended, we hear that the Labor Department says new claims for unemployment insurance jumped by 37,000 to a seasonally adjusted 464,000. Welcome to the Summer of Recovery!

The Vast Left-Wing Media Conspiracy
Hillary Rotten Clinton voiced a vast Right-wing conspiracy - which never really truly materialized; however, now there proof of vast left-wing conspiracy - at least in the elite media. Everyone knew most of the press corps was hoping for Obama in 2008; however, newly released emails now document that hundreds of them were actively working to promote him. Is it really a shocking surprise that so-called, professional journalists,
in a concerted team effort, were seriously considering labeling anyone who opposed Odrama for president a racist? This is why the alternate media continues to gain ground on the once Main Stream Media that is dying before our very eyes.

U.S. Rescue May Reach $23.7 Trillion
Remember that 700 Billion to resuscitate the U.S. financial system? Well, it now appears that the U.S. Taxpayers may be on the hook for 23.7 Trillion. Of which, 2.3 trillion will go to the FDIC, 7.4 Trillion for TARP and 7.2 Trillion for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Isn't government accounting wonderful?

With No Police, Village Faces Crime Wave
In a glimpse of the near future, a rash of burglaries in New Straitsville have local residents concerned, especially since a police officer no longer patrols the area. Why? Because there is no longer enough money to pay for the single police officer who was laid off as of July 12th. Since then, there have been 4 robberies.... including the building housing the mayor's office and the now defunct police department. Guess it is time to exercise that 2nd Amendment right.

Please prepare now for the forthcoming economic, and subsequent social, unrest that will hit the US.
Good Day

22 July 2010

Hyper Report - 100722

China Has a Painful Surprise for the Global Economy
China is said to be different; but, don't believe it. China implemented one of the world's most aggressive economic stimulus programs to fight the recession of 2008. Credit growth surged as much 50 percent — an unprecedented peak. Just like Japan in the late 1980's and what is going on in the US right now, China's housing bubble is going to burst. It is only a matter of time. Even now, the Chinese Stock Market is coming to this realization; therefore, be very wary about Chinese economy.

Bernanke's Economy Comment Batters Market
Benji Bernanke's comment that the economy faced "unusually uncertain" prospects rattled investors. As a result, the DOW lost nearly 110 points. This, among many other sound reasons, is why Jefferson and Jackson did NOT want a national bank. We now have scared investors and businesses alike. Welcome to the Summer of Recovery! It now appears that this and Odrama's continued war on business is bearing fruit for all to enjoy.

Texas Budget Mess Now as Bad as California's
With a shortfall of 18 billion dollars, or 20 percent of the state spending, my home state of Texas appears to be in big trouble. With the over-spending, over-regulated situation, the state fiscal outlook is on par with that of California. With that said, even though Texas’ budget deficit numbers are very similar to California’s, the Lone Star State is still in a better fiscal position. This is only because Texas currently has better credit ratings and nearly $9 billion banked in the Rainy Day Fund. The days when Texas leaders could mock California—or at least its budget mess—appear to be over.

Gold Coin Sellers Angered by New Tax Law
It appears yet another bug-a-boo has been found in the Healthcare Legislation. You know, the one that legislators did not read before voting on. Starting Jan. 1, 2012, all goods and services that exceed $600 during a calendar year have to be reported to the IRS using Form 1099. With the rising price of gold, this puts gold transactions into this squarely into this area. Needless to say, most people will begin buying and selling gold external to the US as capital continues to leaves the country before the law goes into effect. Unfortunately for most unsuspecting Americans, this law will not only affect the financial transactions of gold alone. With inflation, many things will be above $600.00.... like for example.... Monthly Rent or Insurance... assuming you have a job and are not living on the street. Although not stated within this article, the IRS did not receive additional funding to process all of these additional 1099 forms; therefore, it does not take a genius to figure out that this is not going to fly for very long. Still... the intent to monitor, and control, all financial transactions, for both rich and poor, is there.

Please prepare now for the forthcoming economic, and subsequent social, unrest that will hit the US.

Good Day

21 July 2010

Hyper Report - 100721

Competing Currency Being Accepted Across Mid-Michigan
New types of money are popping up across Mid-Michigan and supporters say, it's not counterfeit, but rather a competing currency. The U.S. Treasury Department says the Coinage Act of 1965 says "private businesses are free to develop their own policies on whether or not to accept cash, unless there is a state law which says otherwise." There are businesses that are accepting any form of silver, gold, chicken, or even apple pie for services. So why is there interest in these competing currencies? Is it just novelty or is there something deeper? There was a time in America when you could buy four gallons of gas for a dollar. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, since 1913 until 2001, the U.S. dollar has lost 96% of its purchasing power. Silver has always pretty much been worth the same thing. Even if you go back thousands of years, the amount of products you could buy with an ounce of silver or gold has always been pretty standard. That can't be said of the U.S. dollar bill or U.S. coins made after 1964 that are no longer made with silver. Supporters of competing currency say they'd like to see the government go back to a gold and silver-backed currency rather than simply printing more money. There are 150 alternative currencies in the U.S.
          Second Part of Story: Competing Currencies: Part Two

Our Unemployment Insurance Addiction
If you are unemployed... Why work? It now appears that unemployment insurance will support you for years. And who says there is no such thing as a free lunch? Opps, except when the US dollar collapses. Then Congress can send you millions, billions, or even trillions of US dollar funny money unemployment insurance checks. Of course, by then, that will buy you nothing. This situation is almost like a drug addiction where the moment of truth keeps getting pushed off, with the unemployed having to accept a less desirable job than they held before keeps getting put off.

Illinois Failures Go Nationwide Under Obama
Illinois was the stomping ground for years for Odrama and his cronies. It is the state where Obama and his team were trained in community organizing and bully tactics to redistribute the wealth. For years, we thought California was the most fiscally irresponsible of all 50 states, but Illinois has now taken the lead. To illustrate, for years, Illinois has refused to honor its obligations, cut spending or trim its shockingly large deficit, which at $12 billion per year. This is nearly half its budget. That's like a family making $50,000 but spending $75,000 each year. Obviously, it won't take long before such a family would lose everything it has. Is it any wonder why Americans are beginning to wonder if Greece is the picture of the U.S.' future.

Please prepare now for the forthcoming economic, and subsequent social, unrest that will hit the US.
Good Day

20 July 2010

Hyper Report - 100720

Cameron Raids Dormant U.K. Accounts As Minister Attacks Banks
U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron announced plans to use “hundreds of millions of pounds” from dormant bank accounts to fund community projects. A law passed in 2008 under Gordon Brown’s Labour government allows the government to use money from dormant bank and building-society accounts “for social or environmental purposes.” An account is dormant if the holder has made no transactions over a period of 15 years. Now will the time period for a dormant account be dramatically shortened to let's say.... 15 months? Knowing elected leaders.... the answer should be obvious. In the US, we already know that banks already
close dormant accounts. So is your money really safe in the bank? Even if you have less than $250,000.00? I say No to both of these.

China Now World’s Biggest Energy User
China overtook the US last year to become the world’s biggest energy user according to the International Energy Agency. This came sooner than expected because the US has over the last decade been using energy more efficiently. A big consequence is that China increasingly determine how energy is used on a global scale and will be pitted against the US to secure natural energy resources. For Example.... Saudi Arabia, the world’s most important oil exporter, for the first time last year sold more oil to China than the US, which for decades
had been its most important customer.

The Flight of the Money - Where Has It Gone
A major business story going unreported is the very long list of iconic American brand companies, such as Wal-mart, are closing countless stores, shops and restaurant locations here while expanding and opening outlets like mad in other countries Companies like Ford and Microsoft are moving hundreds of millions of dollars to investments overseas. In short, The government fiscal, and social, policies have terrified the business community; so that, capital is leaving and cash is being hoarded. Even worse is the fact that a fast-growing majority of institutional and individual investors believe we are nowhere near bottom of anything. Investers will most likely keep the money out at least through 2012, but perhaps longer.

Homebuilders Losing Confidence In The Recovery
Homebuilders are feeling increasingly pessimistic about their industry, more evidence that the economic recovery is slowing. The weak job market and an increasing number of foreclosed properties have prompted builders to limit construction of new homes. After the tax incentives stopped, new home sales dropped 33 percent to slowest pace in the 47 years records have been kept. So get ready....

Please prepare now for the forthcoming economic, and subsequent social, unrest that will hit the US.

Good Day

19 July 2010

Hyper Report - 100719

The Global Double Dip Has Arrived
The global economy, artificially boosted since the recession of 2008-2009 by massive monetary and fiscal stimulus and financial bailouts, is headed towards a sharp slowdown this year as the effect of these measures wanes. Worse yet, the fundamental excesses that fueled the crisis – too much debt and leverage in the private sector such as households, banks and other financial institutions, and even much of the corporate sector have not been addressed. Until they addressed, things will only get worse.

Ireland's Credit Rating Downgraded by Moody's
Credit agency Moody's has downgraded Ireland's government bond ratings to Aa2, blaming banking liabilities, weak growth prospects and a substantial increase in the debt to GDP ratio. The general government debt-to-GDP ratio was at 64 per cent at the end of last year, up from 25 per cent before the financial crisis took hold, and is continuing to rise. It is only a matter of time before Moody's has to downgrade the US because of our out-of-control spending.

Cities Rent Police, Janitors to Save Cash
After years of whittling staff and cutting back on services, towns and cities are now outsourcing some of the most basic functions of local government, from policing to trash collection. Services that cities can no longer afford to provide are being contracted to private vendors, counties or even neighboring towns. Cities say they have little choice. Municipalities across the U.S. will face a projected shortfall of $56 to $86 billion between 2010 and 2012, according to a report from the National League of Cities. So get ready, here come those rent-a-cops!

The U.S. Middle Class Is Being Wiped Out
Here are some of the 22 statistics that prove the Middle Class is being wiped out.
  1. 83 percent of all U.S. stocks are in the hands of 1 percent of the people.
  2. 61 percent of Americans "always or usually" live paycheck to paycheck.
  3. 36 percent of Americans say that they don't contribute anything to retirement savings.
  4. Only 43 percent of Americans have less than $10,000 saved up for retirement.
  5. 24% of American workers say that they have postponed their planned retirement age in the past year.
  6. Over 1.4 million Americans filed for personal bankruptcy in 2009.
  7. For the first time in U.S. history, banks own a greater share of residential housing net worth in the United States than all individual Americans put together.
  8. The bottom 50 percent of income earners in the United States now collectively own less than 1 percent of the nation’s wealth.
There are 14 other statistics cited; however you get the picture. We are becoming a two-tiered society composed of the very rich and the very poor. This is unfortunately a recipe for revolution. So get ready, because it will be a bumpy ride.

Please prepare now for the forthcoming economic, and subsequent social, unrest that will hit the US. Good Day


17 July 2010

Hyper Report - 100717

China Reduces US Treasury Debt Holdings In May
China reduced its holdings of U.S. Treasury debt in May as total foreign holdings of government debt posted a slight increase. China's holdings fell by $32.5 billion to $867.7 billion. Total foreign holdings of Treasury securities edged up $5.8 billion to $3.96 trillion in May, a slight increase of 0.1 percent compared to April. Japan, the world's second-largest holder of Treasury securities, also cut its holdings in May, to $786.7 billion. The United Kingdom, the third-largest holder, posted a 9 percent increase to 350 billion. It appears that Asia is beginning to get out of US Treasuries while the Europeans are continuing to buy them.

China Has Been Covertly Funding A Housing Bubble Five Times Larger Than That Of The US
The South China Morning Post, by analyizing the electricity meter readings uncovered the fact that China has over 65 Million vacant homes and apartments. This number is five times larger than the roughly 12 million in total US home current inventory available. Everyone seems to believe that China's economy is where to be. Like the US, just imagine the consequences when that particular bubble starts bursting

Dollar Extends Losses On US Economy Concerns
The dollar fell further on Friday, touching the lowest level so far this year against the yen, as weak US data fueled concerns about the world's biggest economy. The federal deficit hit an all-time high of $1.4 trillion last year and is forecasted to be about $1.3 trillion this year. Nothing like a exploding debt to make an economy better... NOT!

Rust Discovered On Bank Of Russia Issued 999 Gold Coins
Here's a head scratcher: as everyone knows from elementary chemistry courses, gold is the most inert metal in the world - it does not rust, nor corrode. Yet this is precisely what Russian commercial precious metal trading company, International Reserve Payment System, discovered on thousands of (allegedly) 999 "St George" gold coins issued by the Central Russian Bank. There is no such thing as "rusted " gold regardless of what the Russian Central Bank or so-called "independent" appraisers say or do. Needless to say, It appears that we live in a very fraudulent world; therefore, be careful where, and what type, you buy your
precious metals from.

Please prepare now for the forthcoming economic, and subsequent social, unrest that will hit the US.

Good Day

16 July 2010

Hyper Report - 100716

Law Remakes U.S. Financial Landscape
Congress approved a rewrite of rules touching every corner of finance, from ATM cards to Wall Street traders, in the biggest expansion of government power over banking and markets since the Depression. This 2,300 page job killing bill, to be signed into law soon by Odrama, marks a dramatic change for the financial-services industry. Not only does it loosely regulate banks like JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs, but it also duplicates civil-rights initiatives for Minorities and Women, in section 342 of the bill, with provisions that will cost millions to enforce. Great more loopholes and money draining regulations for business.... Well, if you haven't already, you may as well say good-bye to the recovery.

Lost Decade: The New Threat To The U.S. Economy
The risk of a double-dip recession is getting a lot of attention, but even that grim prediction could prove a little too optimistic. Disappointing job reports, weakness in housing and consumer spending and problems in world financial markets have raised concerns about the U.S. economy stalling out later this year. A lost decade, or something like it, could feel like a never-ending recession to many Americans.

Fed to Mull Stimulus moves Just in Case
Federal Reserve officials agreed in June that it would be a good idea to study what to do if the economy were to worsen severely - they are even considering more stimulus and continue to keep short-term interest rates low. In other words, lets make the debt and our situation worse in the long run.

U.S. Tomahawk Missiles Deployed Near China Send Message
Well, this is a surprise to everyone including the Chinese. Modified Ohio-class Boomers, or missile, submarines started appearing in Pusan South Korea and Subic Bay in the Philippines recently. U.S. officials deny that any message is being directed at Beijing; however, each vessel packs the firepower of multiple surface ships. To make the situation more unsettling for everyone, the submarines aren't the only new potential issue. Two major military exercises involving the U.S. and its allies in the region are now under way. Does anyone see a potential Black Swan event here?

Finally, Please prepare now for the forthcoming economic, and subsequent social, unrest that will hit the US.

Good Day

15 July 2010

Hyper Report - 100715

Europe Warns Obama: This Relationship Is Not Working
Europe’s disappointment with Communist and Czar Odrama was laid bare as the EU’s most senior figure called for a dramatic effort to revive transatlantic relations. It has been a fractious few months for EU-U.S. relations, culminating in a fundamental clash of ideas at the G20 summit between Europe’s austerity strategy for ending the economic crisis and Odrama’s call to spend like a drunken sailor. Remember those massive European crowds, who wanted change, cheering for Odrama? Well they got the change....

Fed Paints Weaker Picture of Growth and Employment
Federal Reserve officials have a slightly dimmer view of the economy than they did in April, reflecting worries about how the European debt crisis could affect U.S. growth and job prospects. European debt crisis!?! Have these idiots not looked at our own financial situation? These fools are throwing rocks in glass houses. Anyway, they think the economy, as measured by the deceptively calculated gross domestic product, will grow between 3 to 3.5 percent this year. The Fed also predicted that a key inflation gauge that's tied to consumer spending would show prices rising 1 to 1.1 percent this year - minus, of course, the rise in cost of food and fuel in the calculation. Beyond this year, the Fed forecast growth in 2011 to be in a range between 3.5 percent to 4.2 percent.
Yeah right.

Richard Russell: Everything You Need To Know About Gold in Three Sentences
1. The Fed will not tolerate the growing forces of deflation.
2. To combat the deflationary forces, the Fed will devalue the dollar by printing trillions more of Federal fiat funny money.
3. Once it is realized that the Fed is on the path to devalue the dollar, there will be a panic to buy and own gold.
In my Opinion,
4. Don't forget Silver.

U.S. Pockets $20.6 Billion in Sin Taxes in FY'09
Americans armed themselves to the teeth and paid through the nose to have a smoke. The U.S. federal government collected $20.6 billion in taxes on alcohol, tobacco, firearms and ammunition in fiscal year 2009, up 41 percent from the previous fiscal year. It really is not hard to understand why, and the results of the Gallop Poll conducted in October 2009 bears out the following result. 41 percent of all Americans believed that Odrama would "attempt to ban the sale of guns in the United States while he is president." Perhaps smokes could be barterered, or was the surge was due to Odrama's tobacco habit?

Please prepare now for the forthcoming economic, and subsequent social, unrest that will hit the US.
Good Day