06 August 2010

Hyper Report - 100806

Putin Bans Russia Grain Exports Due to Drought

Wheat prices have been going up, and now because of the drought, Russia is banning exports of wheat. This commodity is showing dramatic increases in prices; and of course, this is going to directly affect many third world nations who depend on it as a food supply. In addition, because we will help out, you can expect wheat based food products to go up. In short... say good-bye to 99 cent bread folks.

Secret Banking Cabal Emerges From AIG Shadows

The idea of secret banking society that control the country and global economy are a given among conspiracy theorists. After this week's congressional hearing into the bailout of AIG, one wonder's if those folks are crazy after all. Wednesday’s hearing described a secretive group deploying billions of dollars to favored banks, operating with little oversight by the public or elected officials. In short, unelected and unaccountable agencies are picking banking winners while trying to do end-run around Congress as taxpayers are forced to spend and guarantee about $8 trillion to prop up the financial system.

Food Stamp Use Hit Record 40.8 Million in May

The number of Americans who are receiving food stamps rose to a record 40.8 million in May as the jobless rate hovered near a 27-year high. Recipients of SNAP jumped 19 percent from a year earlier and 0.9 percent from April. Unfortunately, as we continue this "Summer of Recovery", the figure is projected to rise to 43.3 million in 2011. And the Senate voted to cut spending in this program?

Social Security in Red this Year

Social Security will pay out more this year than it gets in payroll taxes, marking the first time since the program will be in the red since it was overhauled in 1983. Now get this from the article.... The actuary claims that deficit will last through 2011, then an "improving" economy will put it back into balance for three years, then it will dip back into the red in 2015. Excuse me... but just what indicators are pointing to a real "improving economy?" In short.... Social Security is on it's deathbed unless the national government seizes all private pensions. And that is a change you can believe in.

Please prepare now for the forthcoming economic, and subsequent social, unrest that will hit the US.
Good Day

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