16 September 2010

Hyper Report - 100916

Chinese Think Tank Warns US It Will Emerge As Loser In Trade War
China has warned Washington that the US will lose in a trade war if it imposes sanctions against Beijing over the two nations' currency spat. The dispute risks escalating if China's trade surplus with the US climbs further and more US jobs are lost. China's mercantilist policy is forcing the US to run large deficits against its own interest. With our dwindling manufacturing base... and anti-business government, is there an alternative?

Going Out With A Bang
Peter Schiff stated that the United States right now is completely powerless to prevent runaway inflation. At some point in the future, the Chinese are going to pull the plug on buying our Treasuries and will sell them. This in turn will cause a mass exodus of US paper of any kind by everyone in the world. Interest rates will sky rocket and the US dollar will collapse. The Chinese know where we’re headed, as do the powers here in the US. According to Peter Schiff, not only do government and financial experts know what is happening, it is clear that even consumers know the end game. Many Americans are so willing to use their credit cards because they know they’re broke, and they might as well go out with a bang. In short, many people have no intention of paying back the money they owe to the credit card companies. ventually, the US government itself will follow. This is the reason to have physical assets such as gold and silver to preserve wealth.

Comex Paper Silver Buyers Want Physical Badly
Amazing is a good word to describe what’s going on in this delivery month for physical silver at Comex. Almost every day of this month new buyers are anxiously waiting to get their hands on Comex physical silver. Will the Comex soon default?

Retirement on Hold: American Workers $6 Trillion Short
When do you plan to retire? Hopefully not too soon. This is because Americans are only $6.6 Trillion short of what they need to retire. The $6.6 trillion figure is based on projections of retirement and income for American workers ages 32-64. Looks like a lot of people will need more of that Obama Money. Seriously, this should be a wake-up call for many.

More Banks Missing TARP Dividend Payments
120 or 1/6 of institutions, most of them small banks have missed their quarterly TARP payments. Five of those banks, that were "to big to fail", received money from the controversial $700 billion TARP have failed altogether.

The Onset Of Hyperinflation In As Little As 6 To 9 Months
John Williams, arguably one of the best trackers of real, unmanipulated government data via his Shadow Stats blog, has just released a note to clients in which he warns that hyperinflation may hit as soon as 6 to 9 months from today. With Gold hitting multiple all time highs in recent months and silver hitting 2 year highs, that is certainly not out of the question.

Please prepare now for the forthcoming economic, and subsequent social, unrest that will hit the US.

Good Day


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