21 January 2011

Hyper Report - 110121

Top Investors Betting on China’s Downfall
With all the hoopla about China in the News, it is interesting to note that some of the most respected brains in the world are doing everything they can to "short China" via a growing number of bearish hedge funds. They suspect that China’s growth may based on a huge credit bubble backed by inflated property prices. Also, do not forget about those ghost cities.

12 Economic Collapse Scenarios That We Could Potentially See In 2011
Here are 7 of the 12 economic collapse scenarios that we could see.
  1. U.S. debt could become a massive crisis at any moment.
  2. Rumors of physical gold and silver shortages confirmed
  3. The debt bubble could burst at any time and throw the whole planet into chaos.
  4. The municipal bond crisis could go "supernova" at any time.
  5. The price of oil could trigger massive decline
  6. Food Inflation will trigger massive riots.
  7. War

Gold and Silver Default Scenarios
Because of informal defaults already taking place, in the form of large paper bribes, in both the silver and gold markets, there is discussion of a formal default. Unfortunately for the bankers, foreign governments, seeing the declining dollar, will not accept cash, and that is when the real fun begins.

End of Euro?... Ireland Prints Own Notes
In December, Irish Central banks financed banks by effectively printing 51 billion euros out of thin air. With this latest development, it will not be long before the euro collapses completely because other euro zone nations like Germany, who are worried about their own economies, will flee from the euro.

Boeing To Cut 1,100 jobs In C-17 Program
In an example of the new economy, the day after cutting a $19B deal with China, Boeing announced the cutting of 1,100 US jobs. About 900 of the planned 1,100 job cuts were expected to be made at the Long Beach plant; which will add more to the unemployment rolls in California.

Path Is Sought for States to Escape Debt Burdens
Policy makers are working behind the scenes to come up with a way to let states declare bankruptcy to get out of debts like public pension funds. Unlike cities, the states cannot seek protection in federal bankruptcy court because the states are considered sovereign. With that said, they are seeking a similar opportunity afforded General Motors, and effectively screw the stakeholders, or in this case... the taxpayers.

U.S. Supreme Court Issues Landmark Decision: Constitution is Void
On the 18th of January, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a landmark decision, by denying the sanctioning the corruption of federal judges, it allows judges to void sections of the Constitution at will. Sadly, if this article is true, then we may no longer have any constitutional rights.

Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day

17 January 2011

Hyper Report - 110117

China is a Giant Money-Sucking Black Hole
China, the biggest exporter in the world, sells tons of goods abroad. In return, the world gives China money. Then, to the detriment of the global economy, China either hoards this money or wastes it through inefficient use. The Chinese government accumulates foreign currencies in order to keep the yuan undervalued. They may buy other government debt; however, this is not a natural economic flow of commerce.

Hu Highlights Need for U.S.-China Cooperation, Questions Dollar
In China's onward march to world reserve status, Chinese President Hu questioned the dollar and relegated it as a product of the past. Could this be the economic shot heard around the world? When the dollar is no longer the world Reserve currency. The economy of the US will quickly collapse.

Holiday Spending "Record" Not As Good As It Looks
Holiday spending reached the highest level on record last year, but that news isn't as good as it sounds. The $462 billion in holiday spending beats the $453 billion peak in 2007; however, the one thing that is overlooked is inflation. Yes, inflation, despite what Benji Bernanke and others say and it is going to get a lot worse in the near future.

Food stamp surge in Illinois
In Illinois, over 857,000 households are relying on food stamps. Job losses caused by the recession drove numbers up over the year in all seven counties in the Chicago area. Needless to say, this is going to be a trend, not only for Illinois, but for other states during this so-called recovery.

City Of Detroit Sends Out Thousands Of Incorrect Property Tax Bills
Nearly 60,000 property tax bills were mailed out with the wrong interest rate by the city of Detroit that is essentially broke. Some property owners got two tax bills, while others got none. It is becoming apparent that the entire city administration needs to be replaced with random names drawn from the local telephone directory. Couldn't be worse.

Cruise Lines Abandon San Diego due to Mexico Drug Crime, High California Taxes
The progressive tax-and-spend policies in California and the drug war violence spilling in from Mexico have chased another lucrative business out of the state. This is a simple direct cause and effect learning experience folks. Drugs, killers and high taxes have a price. Now that Odrama has relaxed tourism to Cuba, which cruise line will be the first to dock in Havana?

N.J. Assemblywoman Slams Brakes On Bicycle License Plate Proposal
Assemblywoman Cleopatra Tucker quickly withdrew a bill that would require a 10 dollar license plate for each bicycle and impose a fine of up to 100 dollars for non-compliance after outcry's from the public. Keeping in mind the fiscal situation of New Jersey, this sack-of-beep is quoted saying the following: "My intention was never to impose a burden or additional costs" Riight. Just watch out for charlatans like her in a city near you.

Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day

14 January 2011

Hyper Report - 110114

World Moves Closer to Food Price Shock
If you have not started buying your long-term food supply, perhaps this may be an incentive for you to get started. The US government surprised traders by cutting forecasts for key crops, sending corn and soybean prices to their highest level in 30 months. With the destruction of many crops by floods in Australia, this will only add to the soon coming hysteria.

Moody’s Warns Most Advanced Nations To Tackle Spending
Moody's is warning the U.S., U.K., Germany and France to clamp down on the health-care and pension expenditures in order to stabilize their debt structure over the long term. Long term!?! For the U.S., that is a desperate short term need with the U.S. spending like a drunken college student with his parents credit card.

Public Strongly Opposes Debt Ceiling Increase
According to a recent poll, the U.S. public overwhelmingly, by 71 percent, oppose raising the country's debt limit. Only 18 percent support the increase. Sadly, even with this poll, the debt limit will be increased because the public need for government aid has gotten too big. Social Security and Medicare expenditures themselves, without Defense spending, has gotten too big.

Jobless Claims Jump, Wholesale Food Costs Surge
The number of Americans filing for first-time unemployment benefits rose unexpectedly to 445,000 from 410,000 in the prior week. On top of of that, food and energy costs, not a factor in the official measure of inflation in the banana republic of the US, climbed 1.1 percent in December. Also, as more Americans have maxed out their credit or are seeing their income go down, the U.S. trade gap narrowed to $38.3 billion in November from $38.4 billion in October.

Lawmaker's New Proposal Would Hit Feds With Charges
The Montana state legislature, exercising the 10th amendment, is proposing a law that would declare local law enforcement the pre-eminent authority over federal officials in their jurisdiction. This means the IRS, FBI, EPA and other federal agencies would have to seek approval from local law enforcement for for any action. If this becomes state law, expect a massive court battle on this one folks.

Grocery Shrink Ray
In the 70's, there was a Sid and Marty Kroft show called Dr. Shrinker. Well, it appears that the shrink ray is being used today. Seriously, from toilet paper size to redesign of packages to mask lower quantities, items are getting smaller and smaller due to inflation. Take a look at the site, I especially liked the Swiss bread.

New Glass Stronger and Tougher Than Steel
In a new use for palladium, a new metallic glass has been developed that is stronger than steel. Because of the high bulk-to-shear modules ratio of palladium-containing material, the glass will bend rather than crack. So, instead of transparent Aluminum from Star Trek, we may have transparent palladium.

Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day

13 January 2011

Hyper Report - 110113

Why The Greek Euro Experiment Failed
The EU experiment was a political, and not an economic, undertaking. The economies of Greece, resembling an emerging market, and Germany, a developed economy, are fundamentally different. The result is simple, having divergent economies using the same currency yields the results being witnessed today.

Could The U.S. Central Bank Go Broke?
The U.S. Federal Reserve's journey to the outer limits of monetary policy is raising concerns. The Fed now holds just over $1 trillion in Treasuries or is the largest holder of US debt. At some point during its exit from easy monetary policies, when inflation starts to pick up, the Fed actually may go broke.

Bank of China Allows U.S. Customers to Trade Yuan
State owned Bank of China has opened trading in the yuan currency to U.S. customers. This is the another step for the yuan to become the a world reserve currency. So, expect people to start trading their devaluing U.S. dollars for the Yuan, which could increase in value. Is this a ploy to get people to trade their dollars to yuan before the Chinese housing bubble collapses? We will see.

Nine States Plan Bills to Make Gold Coins Legal Tender (Link 2)
States across the country are preparing legislative bills for 2011 that will make gold coins legal tender for payments, including taxes, in their states. There is a movement across the country to move the United States back to a gold standard based on gold coins that retain their value and not dollars backed by the credit of the United States Treasury which is controlled by private banks. Unfortunately, out of those nine states, Montana and Colorado voted the bill down already.

Deliverance at Hand?
Benjamin Franklin, regarding the new Republic opined: “When the people find that they can vote themselves money that will herald the end of the republic.” With an increasing percentage of the population dependent upon the public doll, it will not take long to take way from the have's to be given to the have-nots. Is it any wonder that people are buying gold and silver and/or moving their financial assets offshore?

College Bubble Set to Burst in 2011
The National Inflation Association (NIA) believes that the college education bubble, propped up by government grants and loans, is set to burst beginning in mid-2011. Many have been suckered into believing that getting a useless college degree would be awarded with a better, and higher paying, job. As more an more college educated people, who are in debt to their eyeballs, sit in unemployment lines, this fact is becoming laughable.

N.J. Town To Vote On Middle School Drug Tests
6th to 8th Graders May Soon Be Treated Like High Schoolers; in that, they may be subject to random drug tests. School officials said it was important to note that if a student tested positive, they would not be suspended or have the results sent to the police.... Right! The program is voluntary and both parents and students must consent.... Right!

Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day

11 January 2011

Hyper Report - 110111

Greece Borrowing Rates Hit New Record
In a precursor to what is to come to the U.S., Greek bond yields are hitting another record high, exceeding benchmark German bond rates by 10 percentage points for the first time. In other words, the Greeks have to promise more of a return for people to lend them money.

Clash in Bangladesh as Stocks Dive
In yet another precursor of things to come in the U.S., Police had to fire tear gas as thousands really in the capital of Bangladesh after a record 9.25% plunge in stocks in one hour. It turns out that the finance minister may have lured people into propped-up junk stocks and now many have lost their savings. Sounds so familiar for some reason. Anyway, can you imagine what will happen when the COMEX possibly defaults on silver alone in March?

Gold Price in Euros Whips Near All-Time High
The Gold Price in Euros whipped within 1.5% of last month's all-time record highs in London trade. Both gold and Silver Prices meantime reversed an earlier rally against the Dollar. The supply is tight in the physical market and I suspect will become even tighter in the days ahead.

Economists Foretell Of U.S. Decline
To hear a number of prominent economists tell it, it doesn't look good for the U.S. economy, not this year, not in 10 years. In the long run, the United States must face up to inevitably being overtaken by China as the world's largest economy. Long run? Wow! They are in fantasy land about the U.S. economic system. Of course, no one seems to be talking about the many ghost cities in China to stimulate their economy.

California Governor Brown Proposes Stark Budget
Newly elected California Jerry Brown, echoing New Jersey Chris Christie, has unveiled a budget plan that would cut welfare spending in half, reduce state university system coffers by 20 percent, and slash health-care for the poor. Overall, the budget would slice $12.5-billion in spending and extend $12 billion in tax hikes for the next five years. Moreover, state workers not protected by a collective bargaining contract will see their salaries cut by 10 percent. Here come the riots!

Council to Hold Retreat at Resort Outside County
Facing a $77 million shortfall next fiscal year, the council members of Prince Georges Maryland are spending 10-15,000 for a two-night retreat at the Hyatt Regency Chesapeake Bay Golf Resort in Cambridge Massachusetts. I just bet that they will come up with the brilliant solution to raise taxes on their constituents.

Obama Eyeing Internet ID for Americans
Odrama is planning to hand the U.S. Commerce Department authority to create an Internet ID for Americans. One White House staffer even said that its "the absolute perfect spot in the U.S. government" to centralize efforts toward creating an "identity ecosystem" for the Internet. Isn't that extra special... Yes, our police state is getting more and more blatant every second.

Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day

10 January 2011

Hyper Report - 110110

Costs are going up in America for 2011
Because of bad monetary policy and the U.S. debt, prices in 2011 are going up big time. Oil is expected to go above $100 per barrel when it was only $67 this time last year. Agricultural commodity prices will impact consumers by reducing their purchasing power for non-food items. And with a 70% consumer based economy, the reduction in purchasing power will make the economy go right back down again.

US Jobs Report An ‘Utter Mess’
The White House will spin the lower unemployment rate from 9.8 to 9.4 percent as a great triumph, however, it is because of the 260,000 fewer people in the labor force ie. they are giving up finding a job.

Banks Lose Key Foreclosure Case in top Massachusetts Court
In a Holy Crap moment, the Massachusetts' highest court, in a unanimous decision, voided the seizure of two homes by banks after they failed to show they held the mortgages at the time they foreclosed. Needless, to say, this will effect mortgages across the country.

CBO Says Repealing ObamaCare Would Reduce Net Spending by $540 Billion
In another holy crap moment, the Congressional Budget Office said that the repealing Obamacare would reduce net spending by $540 billion between 2012 and 2021. Repealing the bill would also eliminate $770 billion in taxes. It will be fun to hear those who insisted the CBO was non partisan to now say the CBO is partisan.

Illinois Taxes: How Blue Can You Get?
To balance its' massive deficit, the super geniuses in the Illinois state legislature have decide that they will increase taxes for each taxpayer by a whopping 75%. Not only that, they will add a dollar tax to each cigarette pack sold as well. Illinois is one of those states losing a congressional seat as a result of the 2010 census. Other high tax states either maintained seats, like California, or lost seats like New York. At some point, state legislatures will learn that socialist agendas will drive paying taxpayers out of their states; but unfortunately, not anytime soon.

US Says Too Much Fluoride in Water
It has been discovered that there is too much fluoride in the water we drink; therefore, the government plans lower fluoride limits; study shows kids have splotchy teeth. Well gee, if these super geniuses did even a simple search on the web, they would have discovered that the negatives outweigh the positive in anyone digesting fluoride.

Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day

07 January 2011

Hyper Report - 110107

FAO Warns of 'Food Price Shock' in 2011
The UN's Food and Agricultural Organization is warning that many will be shocked by the increase in food prices this year. Inflation in food grain prices is becoming a major concern in developing nations such as India and China, where the governments and policy makers are fighting what seems to be a losing war against food price inflation. Get ready for the food riots, not only in Asia, but in a city near you.

US Treasury Asks Congress to Lift Debt Ceiling (Link 2)
Little lying Timmy Geithner has asked Congress to raise the U.S. debt ceiling. They only have less than 278 billion before the ceiling is hit. Poor little Timmy is starting to sound more like Oliver Twist. "Please sir, I want some more." Unfortunately in the long run, the Republicans are caving already and acknowledge the debt limit should rise. It’s like a drunk. They plan on cutting back eventually. They promise...

Gallup Finds Unemployment at 9.6% in December
The number of U.S. workers filing new applications for jobless benefits rose last week by 18,000 to 409,000. These type of numbers are the new normal folks. Job figures out today showed that seasonal employment brought down unemployment from 9.6 to 9.4%.

John Embry - Gold Over $2,000, Silver Above $50 in 2011
The correction we are having in gold and silver will be viewed as the lows in 2011 according to John Embry. He said that he would be disappointed if gold does not reach $2,000 and silver at $50 an ounce. He even stated that the physical silver market is really tight. So, keep stacking folks.

Strained States Turning to Laws to Curb Labor Unions
The current economic situation in states are now forcing them to deal with unions. From freezing wages, preventing union dues or fees, or even outlawing strikes by public school teachers, cash strapped states are now pushing new legislation to limit the power of labor unions. Who will win? The suspense is terrible, I hope it will last.

Expert's take: What new airline fees might come in 2011?
Want to be manhandled by the TSA, well the airlines may want you to pay extra for that privilege in additional fees; such as: Infant fees, In-person check-in fee, Credit Card fees.... Not that airlines want to deal with cash, and the carry-on bag fees. Who knows, perhaps a toilet paper usage fee....swipe to wipe.

The Transhumanist and Police State Agenda in Pop Music
Today’s pop music is filled with symbols and messages aimed to shape and mold today’s youth. The world’s biggest stars exploit common themes in their work, permeating popular culture with a set of symbols and values. Two of those parts are transhumanism and the introduction of a police state. Some good advice is to find out what your children are being exposed to and ask them some open-ended questions about it.

Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day