13 January 2011

Hyper Report - 110113

Why The Greek Euro Experiment Failed
The EU experiment was a political, and not an economic, undertaking. The economies of Greece, resembling an emerging market, and Germany, a developed economy, are fundamentally different. The result is simple, having divergent economies using the same currency yields the results being witnessed today.

Could The U.S. Central Bank Go Broke?
The U.S. Federal Reserve's journey to the outer limits of monetary policy is raising concerns. The Fed now holds just over $1 trillion in Treasuries or is the largest holder of US debt. At some point during its exit from easy monetary policies, when inflation starts to pick up, the Fed actually may go broke.

Bank of China Allows U.S. Customers to Trade Yuan
State owned Bank of China has opened trading in the yuan currency to U.S. customers. This is the another step for the yuan to become the a world reserve currency. So, expect people to start trading their devaluing U.S. dollars for the Yuan, which could increase in value. Is this a ploy to get people to trade their dollars to yuan before the Chinese housing bubble collapses? We will see.

Nine States Plan Bills to Make Gold Coins Legal Tender (Link 2)
States across the country are preparing legislative bills for 2011 that will make gold coins legal tender for payments, including taxes, in their states. There is a movement across the country to move the United States back to a gold standard based on gold coins that retain their value and not dollars backed by the credit of the United States Treasury which is controlled by private banks. Unfortunately, out of those nine states, Montana and Colorado voted the bill down already.

Deliverance at Hand?
Benjamin Franklin, regarding the new Republic opined: “When the people find that they can vote themselves money that will herald the end of the republic.” With an increasing percentage of the population dependent upon the public doll, it will not take long to take way from the have's to be given to the have-nots. Is it any wonder that people are buying gold and silver and/or moving their financial assets offshore?

College Bubble Set to Burst in 2011
The National Inflation Association (NIA) believes that the college education bubble, propped up by government grants and loans, is set to burst beginning in mid-2011. Many have been suckered into believing that getting a useless college degree would be awarded with a better, and higher paying, job. As more an more college educated people, who are in debt to their eyeballs, sit in unemployment lines, this fact is becoming laughable.

N.J. Town To Vote On Middle School Drug Tests
6th to 8th Graders May Soon Be Treated Like High Schoolers; in that, they may be subject to random drug tests. School officials said it was important to note that if a student tested positive, they would not be suspended or have the results sent to the police.... Right! The program is voluntary and both parents and students must consent.... Right!

Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day

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