10 February 2011

Hyper Report - 110210

Back to the Future?
China's central bank raised interest rates for the third time in four months to counter the inflation that is besetting fast-growing emerging economies. Commodity prices could threaten the global recovery, just as they did in the summer of 2008. Benji Bernanke's 600 billion dollar plus QE2, met with international disdain, is a major driver of commodity price surges. So, get ready for the summer 2008, part duex, but far worse.

Derivatives: The Real Reason Bernanke Funnels Trillions Into Wall Street Banks
Benji Bernanke is printing money and funneling it into the Wall Street banks for one reason and one reason only. That reason is: DERIVATIVES. The top 5 banks that Benji has been focused on, JP Morgan, Bank of America, Citi Bank, Goldman Sacks, and HSBC have over $188 Trillion in Derivatives. At some point, the 600 Trillion dollar derivative market will implode, and at that point, it’s game over for Wall Street and the Fed.

JPMorgan, HSBC Silver Futures Cases Consolidated
A judicial panel consolidated class action litigation involving JPMorgan and HSBC The suit involves the manipulation of the the silver market and making billions of dollars. The courts are most likely not take this case seriously and will dismiss it in one simple shot. If they do find them guilty, they will most likely fine them a few million dollars compared to the Billions that the banks have made. China, a communist country, will not listen to some BS judicial panel or the complicit CFTC.

White House Plans to Revamp Mortgage Market
Odrama now wants to phase out the government controlled Fannie and Freddie in revamping governments role in the mortgage industry. So, who would control the mortgages? JP Morgan to pay off the Chinese? I smell a rat folks!

EPA Chief Lambasted at Hearing
EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson got lambasted by Representative John Shimkus about Carbon emission capping for new power plants at a congressional hearing. In addition, he even asked her 'Do You Believe in the Law of Supply and Demand?!' Of course, the EPA's real mission is to stop any economic recovery at all costs.

Slush Fund of Top Politicians Found at Vatican Bank
Slush fund accounts of the following people have been identified and seized at the Vatican bank. Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, All of the Bushes and Clintons, Joe Biden, Tim Geithner, Janet Napolitano, and others. Is there something about this bank that we should know about?

A Storm is a Comin’
We live in a fantasy world that is dependent upon an infinite supply; however, things will crash when the Infinite supply paradigm smashes into finite resource reality. Remember, great civilizations before us may have perished but enough aware individuals survived to continue on. Those who fail to prepare, are preparing to perish.

Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day

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