This Blog is set up to give regular, and very brief, updates on what is going on in the world and how it will affect people's lives. This channel emphasizes the importance of preparing for the near future.
29 March 2011
Hyper Report - 110329
Buffett Warns: The Dollar Will Decline
The man who said to invest in what you know, is selling longer-dated bond holdings. Unfortunately, Warren Buffett is stating that money is safe in the stock market. You may be better off going to Vegas and betting all or nothing on double zero.
Disposable Income Falls As Prices Jump
American families are growing poorer by the day as their real disposable income declined in February by the largest amount in 2 1/2 years. In addition, the U.S. savings fell from $710.5 billion to $676.7 billion as personal spending rose $69.2 billion. All we need now are plaid suits and disco balls and it will feel like the late 70’s all over again. (Link 2)
Governors Face Budget Blowback
The 2010 elections signaled fiscal responsibility; however, almost every governor that has tried to deliver a take-your-medicine message has paid a political price. So, it wont be the politicians or the voters that will force fiscal cutbacks... It will be others... less sympathetic.
Gold Replacing Dollar as World’s Reserve Currency?
With commodity and food prices skyrocketing, this would normally cause Central Banks to run to the U.S. Dollar; however, they are dumping dollars and buying gold and silver. With this in mind, keep stacking while the FED's hopeless manipulation game keeps both gold and silver cheap.
Why Your Local School System Could Soon Shut Down...
Although a sales pitch, the folks at Sovereign Society believe that Municipal bonds will collapse within 6 to 12 months. This 2.81 trillion dollar investment, with its fraud and incompetence will implode and blindside millions of Americans in 44 states. In short they, and many others, appear to be recommending getting out of paper, or debt based instruments, quickly.
War Against Libya Constitutionally Illegal
By actively the supporting rebels, who are also supported by Al Qaeda, lying Odrama is effectively saying if you can't beat them, join them. Also, Defense Secretary Gates said that there was no national security concerns about Libya; thus, the $600 million dollar in 6 day military kinetic action is violating the War Powers Act of 1973. Of course, since when does the U.S. Constitution or U.S Law mean anything to either political party on Capital Hill? Especially when Orama's statements from his speech last night do not fit the facts?
(Link 2) (Link 3) (Link 4) (Link 5)
Healthcare Firm Moves To Texas
Home healthcare provider AccentCare is moving its corporate headquarters from California to Texas. Question: What could be the shortest list in the world? Answer: The list of companies moving from Texas to California. (Link 2)
Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day
28 March 2011
Hyper Report - 110328
Moody's Downgrades Ratings of 30 Spanish Banks
Moody's downgraded the debt of 30 Spanish banks by one or more notches; however, left the ratings of the three largest banks untouched. In addition, the yield on Spanish 10-year government bonds was also virtually unchanged at about 5.18 percent. however like the other PIIGS (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain), expect the interest rates to increase.
Fears Rise That Japan Could Sell Off U.S. Debt
U.S. Officials are becoming more and more concerned that Japan, the second largest holder of US debt, will be forced to get out to begin the massive recovery that must be undertaken. When asked if Japan's troubles could affect the US borrowing costs and interest rates, Little Lying Timmy said no. Of course, the Fed is ready to step in and monetize the US debt more. (Foreign Holders of U.S. Debt Table)
Will Central Banks Accommodate The Oil Price Shock?
Inflation rates are rising in the world's major economies. Central bankers can do nothing to prevent an increase in world oil prices from harming those oil-importing economies. Essentially, they can do nothing about the real world of supply and demand.
12 Warning Signs of U.S. Hyperinflation
From the National Inflation Association, here are 4 of the 12 warning signs of the forthcoming U.S. Hyperinflation.
- The Federal Reserve is Buying 70% of U.S. Treasuries.
- The Private Sector Has Stopped Purchasing U.S. Treasuries.
- The Fed Funds Rate Remains Near Zero.
- U.S. Faces Largest Ever Interest Payment Increases.
Get ready...
Commercial Real Estate on Borrowed Time?
Back in 2009 it seemed obvious that the next shoe to fall was commercial real estate. Well, government stimulus has delayed this; however, the stimulus is running out; thus, get ready for the next leg down. The liquidity created as the US monetizes its own debt is bypassing real estate and flowing into gold, silver, food and oil.
Caterpillar CEO's Letter Talks of Leaving Illinois
In a letter sent on March 21st, the CEO of Caterpillar is raising the specter of getting Caterpillar, that employs 23,000 people in Illinois out of the state. The people at Caterpillar must be so happy that Odrama actually singled them out as a success story of his policies.
Massachusetts Job Fair Canceled Because Of Lack Of Jobs
In a scenario that will be repeated in other areas, a job fair, in Massachusetts, was canceled due to lack of employers. They only needed 20 to 25 employers and could not get that. So much for our recovery.
As Adjusted Monetary Base Rises By Half A Trillion In 2011
Excess money reserves continue to go parabolic and will most likely hit $1.7 trillion by the summer. When QE3 comes into existence, we will begin to see something akin to the Weimar Republic scenario unfold before our eyes. So, if you have not started preparing, do so now. (Graph)
Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day
17 March 2011
Hyper Report - 110317
Euro Zone Debt Agreement a Ponzi Scheme
The markets cheered as eurozone leaders announced reforms to boost their economies; however, according to Niall Ferguson at Harvard University, the whole thing is a ponzi scheme where governments in red ink only generate more red ink. The insolvent banking system has been in denial and this plan only kicks the can down the road for only the near future with massive repercussions afterwords.
Mandatory Spending to Exceed all Federal Revenues
If national defense, parks, and other discretionary programs became free, the US would still have a budget deficit. Mandatory spending, of which is made up of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, would still produce a $20 billion dollar deficit. With no one in Washington willing to make the hard choices, the monetization of the debt will continue.
Higher Prices For Food Are About To Get Worse
Between the weather, demand, and currency crisis, food prices are rising. Corn, which is used in almost 9 out 10 food products, has almost doubled since last summer. Food prices rose 3.9 percent last month, the most since November 1974, and it is going to get a lot worse.
Utah To Require Teaching That US Is A Republic, Not A Democracy
Looks like Utah, after voting to make silver and gold legal tender, now a bill, if passed will require teachers to teach that the US is a republic and not a democracy. One should expect Teacher's Union to go on strike soon in that state.
Over 2,500 U.S. Credit Unions Considered Weak
2,573, or about 34%, of the Nation's 7,500 credit unions are financially weak. Consumers should avoid the weakest institutions and seek business strictly with the strongest. Fortunately, there is a list on this story to find out which credit unions and banks are considered weak and strong. Of course, one should really get out of the fiat ponzi scheme anyway.
11 Metro Areas Where the Jobs Recovery Has Failed
Since January 2010, the reported employment increased by only 0.8 percent; however, here is a list of cities where the recovery has downright failed... Las Vegas, Newark, San Francisco, Atlanta, Riverside, Los Angelos, Minneapolis, Phoenix, Long Island, Miami and Boston. Aren't you glad that Odrama has been focusing on unemployment like a laser beam?
TSA Admits Bungling of Airport Body-Scanner Radiation Tests
The child fondler officials at the TSA have admitted that the 500 body scanners, at 78 airports and which were not tested on mice or biological material, expose people to unnecessary high radiation; however, they will still keep those machines in operation. Isn't that extra special.
Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day
03 March 2011
Hyper Report - 110303
At Least One Eurozone Country Will Default
If Brent Crude rises above $150, at least one euro zone country will default and the entire region will fall into recession. The result of this rise would be particularly bad for Ireland, where the economy would shrink by 3% in 2011 as a result. Spain, Greece, and Portugal would face a double whammy since they have no room to offset the oil shock by slowing the pace of fiscal consolidation. Unfortunately, the way things are going, crude could easily surpass $150.
Why the Dollar's Reign Is Near an End
The dollar, at the moment, is the most convenient currency in which to do business. It is also the world's safe haven during a crisis and there is no single alternative to do international transactions. Because of the dollar's volatility ,and the rising yuan, it is loosing most-favored currency status; and thus, we be witnessing a dead currency walking.
22 Ways To Fight Rising Food Prices
Here are a few...
- Eat at home.
- Shop with a plan.
- Avoid prepared foods.
- Skip bottled water.
- Buy in bulk.
- Use coupons and store reward cards
- Compare prices and shop for sales.
As Silver Touches $34.90, US Mint Runs Out Of Bullion Blanks
The scramble for non-dilutable currencies hits a frenzy as silver just touches on a fresh 31 year high of $35.02. In addition, the US Mint has seized, until sufficient inventories of silver bullion blanks can be acquired, production of American Eagles. Simple case of supply and demand. Unfortunately, price is not reflecting the true demand; thus, there will be continued backwardation of silver.
Federal Reserve Chief Warns GOP: Don't Hold Debt-Ceiling Vote Hostage
Benji Bernanke said he is "worried" about Republican efforts to link a decision on the nation's debt ceiling to passage of reforms to curb federal spending. He is worried about people, at least remotely appearing, to be fiscally responsible? What an idiot.
TSA Hit by New Scandal as Passenger Boards Plane with THREE Boxcutters
Who wants to look through somebody’s luggage when airporn Body scans are so much more entertaining. Perhaps this what TSA agents said when confronted with the fact that they let a passenger board an international flight with three boxcutters in his hand luggage. There appears to be no purpose for an government paid organization that violates the fourth amendment of the constitution and cannot perform a basic requirement of keeping weapons off planes.
Earthquakes in Arkansas May Be Man-Made, Experts Warn
The sudden swarm of earthquakes in Arkansas -- including the largest quake to hit the state in 35 years -- is very possibly an after effect of natural-gas drilling, or fracking, experts warn. Of course, more study is needed; however, it is not out of the realm to believe that all of these seismic activities may be causing undue stress on the New Madrid Fault; therefore, one should prepare accordingly.
Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day
02 March 2011
Hyper Report - 110302
China's Holdings Of US Debt Larger Than Reported
China's holdings of US bonds reached $1.16 trillion at the end of December, almost $270 billion more than previously estimated. Japan is second at 882 billion and Britain bringing up the third position with 272 billion. Because the math was so far off, are we now going to hear little lying Timmy Geither say that he had trouble with the calculator now?
Did China or Jihadists try to bankrupt America?
A Pentagon report reveals financial terrorists may have triggered the economic crash who had the motive to harm the U.S. economy. Financial Terrorists? Sadly, the real culprits were our own elected officials trying to stay in office by spending money like a drunk teenager with his parents credit card. Translation, we did it to ourselves.
Food Prices To Skyrocket, Riots Could Follow, Suggests USDA
With agricultural commodity prices, like wheat and corn, going through the roof, the USDA says that inflated food prices will trickle into grocery stores throughout 2011 and with 43 million Americans barely getting by with food stamps, this may cause food riots. In addition, local farms being replaced by factory farms makes the problem worse; therefore, start preparing now before its too late.
Bernanke: Fed Ready to Tackle Inflation if Necessary
Benji Bernanke said that the Fed is ready to respond as necessary to a surge in global commodity prices caused in part by unrest in the Middle East. Unfortunately, what this bastard is not telling people, is that the only way to lower commodity prices is to increase interest rates, making bonds more attractive, which will drive up the amount of debt and make the dollar crash faster.
Pension Funds Strained, States Look at 401(k) Plans
Lawmakers in many states, faced with huge shortfalls in pension funds, will try to move workers away from those pension plans and toward 401(k)s. So, how does one turn in red pension funds into 401(k)'s? Simple... Seize all private 401(k)s and even it out. Isn't that extra special.
They're Playing Games, Literally, In The Justice Department
Members of the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department are sitting around litterly playing solitaire on the job. All this while, Odrama, and his cabal, want a 14 percent increase in manpower and an 18 percent increase in spending in this division. With irresponsible oversight like this, it is no wonder people believe government is a real fustercluck.
Gas Thieves Drilling Holes Into Tanks Of Parked Vehicles
In Fort Mill South Carolina, thieves are drilling holes in parked cars and stealing gas. Guess, drilling for gas is cheaper than pumping it at the gas station. Most of the vehicles targeted have been pickup trucks with their large gas tanks. So keep an eye on your vehicles.
Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day
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