China's Holdings Of US Debt Larger Than Reported
China's holdings of US bonds reached $1.16 trillion at the end of December, almost $270 billion more than previously estimated. Japan is second at 882 billion and Britain bringing up the third position with 272 billion. Because the math was so far off, are we now going to hear little lying Timmy Geither say that he had trouble with the calculator now?
Did China or Jihadists try to bankrupt America?
A Pentagon report reveals financial terrorists may have triggered the economic crash who had the motive to harm the U.S. economy. Financial Terrorists? Sadly, the real culprits were our own elected officials trying to stay in office by spending money like a drunk teenager with his parents credit card. Translation, we did it to ourselves.
Food Prices To Skyrocket, Riots Could Follow, Suggests USDA
With agricultural commodity prices, like wheat and corn, going through the roof, the USDA says that inflated food prices will trickle into grocery stores throughout 2011 and with 43 million Americans barely getting by with food stamps, this may cause food riots. In addition, local farms being replaced by factory farms makes the problem worse; therefore, start preparing now before its too late.
Bernanke: Fed Ready to Tackle Inflation if Necessary
Benji Bernanke said that the Fed is ready to respond as necessary to a surge in global commodity prices caused in part by unrest in the Middle East. Unfortunately, what this bastard is not telling people, is that the only way to lower commodity prices is to increase interest rates, making bonds more attractive, which will drive up the amount of debt and make the dollar crash faster.
Pension Funds Strained, States Look at 401(k) Plans
Lawmakers in many states, faced with huge shortfalls in pension funds, will try to move workers away from those pension plans and toward 401(k)s. So, how does one turn in red pension funds into 401(k)'s? Simple... Seize all private 401(k)s and even it out. Isn't that extra special.
They're Playing Games, Literally, In The Justice Department
Members of the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department are sitting around litterly playing solitaire on the job. All this while, Odrama, and his cabal, want a 14 percent increase in manpower and an 18 percent increase in spending in this division. With irresponsible oversight like this, it is no wonder people believe government is a real fustercluck.
Gas Thieves Drilling Holes Into Tanks Of Parked Vehicles
In Fort Mill South Carolina, thieves are drilling holes in parked cars and stealing gas. Guess, drilling for gas is cheaper than pumping it at the gas station. Most of the vehicles targeted have been pickup trucks with their large gas tanks. So keep an eye on your vehicles.
Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day
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