This Blog is set up to give regular, and very brief, updates on what is going on in the world and how it will affect people's lives. This channel emphasizes the importance of preparing for the near future.
20 April 2011
Hyper Report - 110420
Geithner has approved plans for (IMF) to absorb the Fed ???
If true, the IMF could absorb the Federal Reserve to create a true global central bank. A “basket of currencies” would to be created to replace the U.S. dollar as the international currency of trade. Tim Geithner and Benji Bernanke currently serve on the board of Governors at the IMF. No conflict of interest here. Right!
No Relief For Soaring Greek Borrowing Costs
Greek borrowing costs hit fresh euro-era highs amid warnings that yields will rise further. Greek three-year bond yields jumped to 21.37 per cent and the probability of a default by Athens in the next five years rose to 67 percent. Greece is a preview of what is to come in the US in the not-to-distant future.
Count On It!
There will be a great debate on both sides of the political isle; however, the debt limit will raised. The main reason is that money is debt and without money there is no debt; thus a loss of control. When the dollar collapses, and it will, it will be one of the biggest events in modern history. So prepare accordingly.
Banks Get Failing Grade in Foreclosure Handling
Banks continue to receive backlash for their handling of a flood of foreclosures across the country. Officials at the Fed say they will soon announce monetary penalties against mortgage servicers. On the same track, state attorneys general are conducting their own probe into shoddy foreclosure procedures as well. With this said and done, look for a compromise deal where the banks will still be able to foreclose on millions of Americans.
No Proposed Change to Federal Retirement
Before Obama been Lying's speech last week, there was speculation that he would adopt recommendations of the deficit commission. Well, to the surprise to virtually no one, the Central Planner-n-Chief did not. The benefits and goodies, paid by a broke government, will continue at the taxpayer's expense. It is the continued story of what is good news for government workers is bad news for taxpayers.
Paterson Cop Layoffs May Affect Response Times
125, or 25%, of police have been laid off because of budgetary cuts in Paterson New Jersey. Guess they got rid of the non-essential workers first before laying off police officers... Right. Is the cost saving measure compromising safety? Only to people who are not self sufficient and do not believe in the second amendment.
McDonald's Hiring Day Draws Crowds
Need a job, well the economic recovery is here. With 13 million Americans looking for work, McDonald's has stepped up hire 50,000 new workers. Yes, now those college graduates who are unemployed have an opportunity to can go to a new school. The school of hard knocks. Good Luck in the new Mcrecovery.
Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day
13 April 2011
Hyper Report - 110413
The Debt Bomb Is Coming Due
The US had a deficit of $829 billion for the first half of fiscal 2011, or 15.7% higher than the same period last year... With little growth, and a rising tax burden, the $14.3 trillion debt ceiling being raised will make little difference. With Washington spending like a drunk teenager with his parents credit card, increased taxes across the board are definitely in the future.
The Fed's Most Dangerous Game: Checkmate
The Fed is now trapped: if it crushes the dollar any lower, then oil will jump and trigger recession in the "real" U.S. economy. But if they let the dollar rise, then their precious stock market rally implodes. Also, if the Fed, by their actions, let the dollar depreciate in an uncontrolled fashion, then it is hyperinflation. Either way, this fiscal ship is sinking.
Obama Regrets Vote Against Raising Debt Limit
Now, that Obama bin Lyin is trying to convince Americans to commit financial suicide by raising the debt limit, he is now lamenting that he voted against raising the debt limit in 2006, which was the correct way to vote. How times have changed.
Brother, Can You Spare A Trillion?: Government Gone Wild!
Since 1988, Congress has spend 8 trillion dollars in interest payments, and by 2021, if the government still exists, the amount needed to service the debt will be over a trillion dollars a year. By 2046, all of the revenue brought into the government will go to service the debt only. Okay, time to stick a fork in the US economy.
TSA Still Groping Kids...and Drug Testing Them
Well, Janet Incompetanto's goon squad... Aka the TSA, are continuing to practice their pedophilia as they publicly molest 6 year old girls. Her aim is to stopping the massive 6 year old drug syndicate as every lollipop is double checked. She may have lost the U.S. Border, but she won't let her tax payed goons miss out on checking people's underwear.
5 Things That Will Happen To You When America Goes Bankrupt
- Your life savings, if in paper, could be reduced to nothing almost overnight.
- Your taxes will skyrocket.
- Because of lack of civil order, your life could be in danger.
- Your payments from the government will dramatically decrease or stop altogether.
- You will have a dramatically reduced standard of living.
Chicago School Bans Some Lunches Brought From Home
Although claiming it is for the healthier eating, a Chicago school will not allow kids to bring lunches or certain snacks from home. Instead, the children are directly, or the local taxpayers indirectly, charged more than $2 per lunch. Don't you just love those backdoor revenue schemes that local government can come up with?
Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day
11 April 2011
Hyper Report - 110411
Government Shutdown Avoided
On Friday night, both political parties declared victory and cut $38 billion dollars out of the budget to keep the government open. 38 billion out of the 1.6 trillion dollar deficit is a pathetic joke. So because the government will remain open with its irresponsible deficit spending, US Consumers will see more rampart inflation as the U.S. dollar collapses faster. Understand this, this budget battle was for the American consumer only. The politicians arguing over a 66 billion dollar cut with a 1.6 Trillion dollar deficit is like a person arguing over a cup of coffee when they are spending 133 dollars a month more than they bringing in.
Gold Is Sending A Signal That The Monetary System Is In Grave Danger
According to Paul Tustain, founder of BullionVault, the only reason gold is around $1400 is that many investors believe that there is zero percent chance of hyperinflation. He says that when a country's public debt exceeds 90% of GDP, like the US, that is the magic number... and there is no way back. He sees gold at least $3,800 dollars, on the conservative side, as money printing continues and Central Bankers have gone from net sellers to net buyers of gold.
Oil Climbs Above $112 a Barrel on Libyan Armed Revolt
Since the Libya unrest began, there’s been a re-coupling of the inverse relationship between the dollar and oil. The Middle East is being used as cover by speculators looking to send oil higher. The increase in oil prices will have an impact on economies and the weakness of the U.S. dollar is compounding the problem.
Food Inflation Harsh Times – A New Normal
In 2008, like 2011, a spike in food prices resulted in food riots around the world. Unfortunately 2010 was a disaster for crops and their stockpiles. Food prices are forecast to grow by more than another 30 to 75% this year. So keep prepping.
Guess Who's Almost Out Of Silver
According to the CME Group, JP Morgan, who laughingly is a COMEX only has a little over thirty thousand ounces. So all those people, who own SLV thinking they own silver, are about to be bitch slapped with reality.
Decision To Cancel NASA Seismic-Tracking Radar Satellite Was Made Top-Down
Despite growing evidence that the Pacific Coast of the United States is facing major seismic eruptions at any time in the next several years, a Seismic-tracking radar satellite has been scraped. So, if anything seismic does happen in California or on the New Madrid fault line, we can expect the usual Katrina like response.
Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day
06 April 2011
Hyper Report - 110406
Oil Could Hit $200-$300 On Saudi Unrest
Continued political unrest in Saudi Arabia could cause oil prices to hit between $200 and $300. With oil now about $110 now, this means gas could easily go past $6 a gallon in the very near future.
“Mortal Wound”: Japan Disaster Could Trigger Global Liquidity
Japan, which is the the second largest foreign holder of US Debt, is going to need liquidity to begin the monumental task of rebuilding. For the foreseeable future, this will make Japan, at the very least, neutral, on buying other countries debt. This could get very ugly very fast for those nations that have become dependent upon Japan buying their debt. In addition, Japans role in the supply of goods is becoming more apparent since components, that used to be taken for granted, are no longer available. It's a brave new world.
The GOP Path to Prosperity
Paul Ryan proposed budget that is expected to make drastic changes in government entitlements and would cut $6.2 trillion dollars from US spending in the next 10 years. This is a great start to eliminating the debt... The only problem is that only comes up to about $600 billion a year in cuts. This falls way short of the $1.6 trillion in deficit spending in this year alone. To be serious, both political parties will have to get out the knives again and start cutting more. With the squabbling over 66 billion dollars, that appears very unlikely.
Geithner Warns U.S. To Hit Debt Ceiling By May 16
Little lying Timmy stated that the government will hit its legal limit to borrow money no later than May 16th. He went on to say that default by the United States is unthinkable. Both the desperate Geithner and Benji Bernanke have said a failure to raise the ceiling could have "catastrophic consequences." Such as the end of US involvement in Obama bin Lyin's war on Libya. Wait that's a good thing.
Obama Snatching Up Huge Tracts of Land
Obumer wants Congress to double spending to $900 million next year to a fund that is used to buy more property for the federal government. Currently, the government owns 635 million acres, or roughly three out of every 10 acres, with the largest chunk in Alaska. Gee, this sounds like the making of the next monetary standard in the making. The US will back up its money with land since the gold is most likely not there.
When The Emperor has No Birth Certificate
In a same vane as the child in Hans Christian Andersen's "The Emperor's New Clothes," Donald Trump has called out

Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day
04 April 2011
Hyper Report - 110404
Government Workers Outnumber Construction, Farming Fishing, Forestry, Manufacturing, Mining, and Utilities Combined.
There are 22.5 million people working for the government. while all of manufacturing has only 11.5 million. This is almost the exact reversal of the situation in 1960 when there were 15 million workers in manufacturing and 8.8 million employed by the government. In short, the official U3 unemployment number of 8.8% , the lowest in two years, is of no relevance.
Another Foodstamp Record
There are nearly 44.2 million people, or 14.5 percent of the US population, on food stamps. More Americans than ever are living on government subsistence; however, the monthly benefit per household has gone from about $295 a month to $283. This is not a big drop; however, when one considers inflation, it is devastating.
Subprime Bonds Are Back
Subprime and other residential mortgage bonds that helped trigger the financial crisis are back in vogue with long-term investors. Their comeback underscores how investors, or suckers, have regained the courage to take on more risk, with their clients savings. In addition, these investors are re-entering the market and buy

Bigger Corn Crop Isn’t Likely to Ease Food Inflation
Farmers intend to plant 92.2 million acres of corn this spring, 5 percent more than last year; however, the supply is not enough to keep up with demand. In short, the food inflation we are seeing at the markets will continue.
Fed Is Likely to Raise Rates By End of the Year
Apparently taking the cue from the European Central Bank, Richmond Federal Reserve President Jeffrey Lacker said that he would not be surprised if the Fed raised interest rates before the end of the year. As interest rates go up, the amount needed to service the debt will grow exponentially; thus, a default or hyperinflation is in the cards.
American Ghost Towns Of The 21st Century
According to the 2010 Census, there are several counties, like Lake County, Michigan or Summit County, Colorado, that have a population of over 10,000 with the vacancy rates is above 55%. With less people, will come less tax dollars; thus making it possible that these towns could just simply disappear.
Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day
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