Government Workers Outnumber Construction, Farming Fishing, Forestry, Manufacturing, Mining, and Utilities Combined.
There are 22.5 million people working for the government. while all of manufacturing has only 11.5 million. This is almost the exact reversal of the situation in 1960 when there were 15 million workers in manufacturing and 8.8 million employed by the government. In short, the official U3 unemployment number of 8.8% , the lowest in two years, is of no relevance.
Another Foodstamp Record
There are nearly 44.2 million people, or 14.5 percent of the US population, on food stamps. More Americans than ever are living on government subsistence; however, the monthly benefit per household has gone from about $295 a month to $283. This is not a big drop; however, when one considers inflation, it is devastating.
Subprime Bonds Are Back
Subprime and other residential mortgage bonds that helped trigger the financial crisis are back in vogue with long-term investors. Their comeback underscores how investors, or suckers, have regained the courage to take on more risk, with their clients savings. In addition, these investors are re-entering the market and buy

Bigger Corn Crop Isn’t Likely to Ease Food Inflation
Farmers intend to plant 92.2 million acres of corn this spring, 5 percent more than last year; however, the supply is not enough to keep up with demand. In short, the food inflation we are seeing at the markets will continue.
Fed Is Likely to Raise Rates By End of the Year
Apparently taking the cue from the European Central Bank, Richmond Federal Reserve President Jeffrey Lacker said that he would not be surprised if the Fed raised interest rates before the end of the year. As interest rates go up, the amount needed to service the debt will grow exponentially; thus, a default or hyperinflation is in the cards.
American Ghost Towns Of The 21st Century
According to the 2010 Census, there are several counties, like Lake County, Michigan or Summit County, Colorado, that have a population of over 10,000 with the vacancy rates is above 55%. With less people, will come less tax dollars; thus making it possible that these towns could just simply disappear.
Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day
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