26 October 2010

Hyper Report - 101026

Bernanke Says Regulators Probing Foreclosures
Instead of Regulators for the Fed probing foreclosures, perhaps they should be probing the low interest rates by the Fed. While greed, by everyone involved, is the main culprit in this mess, one must not forget the low interest rates after the dot.com bubble burst.

US Treasury Sells Negative-Rate Bonds
The abnormal state of the credit markets came into focus as the US Treasury sold bonds with negative interest rates for the first time. This is because investors believe the Fed will be successful in creating inflation.

99 Weeks: When Unemployment Benefits Run Out
At a cost of over $100 billion, Congress extended unemployment benefits for 99 weeks. Many of those on the Unemployment extension are still unemployed as the U3 figure hangs around ten percent. What is more amazing is that it is not only the unskilled affected, many so-called educated with PhD's and Master degrees are also unemployed. Looks like they will need more of that Obama Money.

Accelerating Towards the Abyss
The US fiscal situation deteriorated at an even faster rate in fiscal 2010, than it did during 2009. Income receipts into the government have dived 39% since 2008 and during 2010, the year of supposed economic recovery, they dropped 11%. All during this drop in revenue, spending is up in several areas. Education up 74%, EPA up 36%, and Small Business Administration up 177% - which is quite ironic when one considers how small business have suffered.

Debt Has Increased $5 Trillion Since Speaker Pelosi Vowed, ‘No New Deficit Spending’
She became speaker in 2007 and vowed no new deficit spending. Since then, the national debt has increased by $5 trillion. She also claimed to clean up Washington by draining the swamp. Well, she appears to be full of swamp gas.

Why The US Has Turned Against Obama
In short, people see an "In your face and up your backside" oppressive government that passes unpopular laws that the vast majority of people do not support. In addition, the out of control spending, the international bowing and apology tour did not help.

Democrats Back Third Parties to Siphon Votes
Because they know they cannot win in the November election based on their performance, Demoncrats have resorted to stealth and trickery to siphon votes away from the onslaught. Using automated phone messages etc, they are pushing phony tea party candidates that are supported by the DNC. In short, if you vote, know who and what you are voting for and don't listen to pundits... do the research. Also, look for Union thuggery on Election day as well. If you suspect any, do not hesitate, call both the local police and the state police.

Cities Weigh Letting Noncitizens Vote
Have non-citizens to vote? Why not have illegals vote as well? Gee, I just wonder who they would vote for?

Finally, please prepare now for the forthcoming economic, and subsequent social, unrest that will hit the US.
Good Day

22 October 2010

Hyper Report - 101022

Geithner's Goal: Rebalanced World Economy
Little lying Timmy said he would use weekend meetings of G-20 Summit to advance efforts to "rebalance" the world economy so it is less reliant on U.S. consumers. In addition, he will persuade others the U.S. doesn't aim to devalue its way to prosperity. Yeah, and the Fed's schedule start of quantitative easing in early November is just illusion.

Falling Dollar Means Rapid Consumer Price Inflation
The Federal Reserve is now openly threatening the US dollar by quantitative easing. This, of course, will cause increased inflation because imports are no longer be cheap. Be ready for the instant increased price shock from everything from food to oil. Of course, those on fixed incomes, such as retirees, will be the first victims in this.

The US Must Prepare For Savage Austerity
Just like the UK, we in the US will have to have our own austerity measures implemented. With that in mind and the nation broke and severely in debt, every federal department that was instituted after 1950 should be shut down. The US government functioned better and far more efficiently back then.

Retiring CFTC Judge: We Covered Up Market Manipulation
It appears that the Commodities Future Trading Commission scandal is getting harder to conceal. CFTC Administrative Law Judge, George Painter, in announcing his retirement, has stated that for over 20 years, there has been a conspiracy at the highest levels of the CFTC,
within the enforcement division. Essentially, they rigged it; such that, they found no one guilty of market manipulation.

BC Law student Asks For Money Back
In the latest sign that an education bubble exists, a third year law student facing little job prospects and a mountain of student loan debt, told the school to keep his degree an return his tuition. In short, why should young people pay tens of thousands of dollars, and get into deep into debt at the start of their lives, for a degree that may be worthless in this economic environment? It was not so long ago that a good education could open the doors to success.... sadly not anymore.

Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Bailouts Could Hit $363 Billion
The government's estimate, which always falls short, shows the black hole of the two mortgage giants will grow and double to $363 billion dollars over the next three years. Hell, with the mortgage crisis, I would think it would grow within the next 2 years. Looks like they will need more of that Obama Money.

AP Says Dem Early Voters Big Turnout in MD, But MD Early Voting Hasn’t Started
It now appears that the Associated Press has hired fortune tellers to report the news. Someone should contact the Maryland board of elections and Attorney General’s offices and ask them why this info is being published before the voting can start.

Finally, please prepare now for the forthcoming economic, and subsequent social, unrest that will hit the US. Good Day!

Link to YouTube Hyper Report

21 October 2010

Hyper Report - 101021

China Said to Widen Its Embargo of Minerals
China is now blocking shipments of crucial minerals to first Japan, and now, both the U.S. and Europe. This is the latest sign that the Chinese leaders are willing to use their growing economic muscle. Unlike, Bush, the Chinese will take action and not simply be the whipping boy.

Osborne Wields Axe
Half a million British civil service jobs will be cut within the next 4 years. In addition, Defense cuts will also be made and will lead the UK to be in less international military operations like Afghanistan. And Guess what, cuts like this will be coming to the U.S. in the very near future.

Silver On The Rise (Other Source)
While silver may be the forgotten, and cheap, cousin of gold; its price has been on a tear. Case in point... Silver stockpiles are down 95% from the 1950's. Silver's industrial qualities are unique and not easy to replace. Silver's use exceeds the amount mined on a yearly basis. To which, even Goldman Sachs believes silver is going up and had told its clients that silver will be over $27 in the next six months. So, if possible, buy physical and not paper. The price increase in silver will yield a mixed bag of feelings. It will be great seeing Silver go ballistic as the Federal Reserve is creating so much money; but, on the downside... The hyperinflation caused by the Federal Reserve, with the subsequent societal breakdown, will cause a bleak and horrific post-apocalyptic nightmare for many. The near future is bumpy indeed.

Economic Rant
To protect yourself from your retirement plan being converted to worthless Treasuries by the U.S. government, it is best to sell your 401k or IRA and buy physical silver bullion. This forced conversion has been done in other countries, and will be done in America. On another front... If you thought the H1N1 flu vaccine scam was bad, now they're pushing the whooping cough vaccine scam as well. There were seven deaths reported last year and some are now saying this is an epidemic. Must be the fools that believe Al Gore. Speaking of Al Gore...

The Global Warming Scam Hit by More Scandal
It appears that the kool-aid drinkers are waking up to and want to save the integrity of science. In a letter of resignation, Harold Lewis, Emeritus Professor of Physics at the University of California, chastised the integrity and credibility of the management of the American Physical Society. Let the Global Warming hoax lawsuits begin! First defendant... Al Bore.

Tea Party Gets Tough With Foes In Media (Other Source)
It is great to see a so-called main steam media journalist handcuffed and led out by security guards. At this point, mainstream media must now prove itself impartial; because many Americans have had it with their progressive laden stories wrapped up as news. Especially, since 55%, according to a recent poll, suggest that the Tea Party can help deliver change. That would be an American change and not the Odrama pro-Marxist change.

Please prepare now for the forthcoming economic, and subsequent social, unrest that will hit the US.
Good Day

Hyper Report on YouTube

13 October 2010

Hyper Report - 101013

Stocks Drop As Fed Rate-Setter Rattles Investors
Here we go folks! Get ready for the QE2 to start sailing in early November after the elections! Yes, we will see massive hikes in the cost of goods and services and there is no way around it and I wish I were wrong. As stocks slump, you can expect to see commodities to skyrocket.

Food Stamp Nation With Massive Inflation
The number of people in the United States needing food stamps to survive is trending toward 45 million. Our food stamps have replaced the soup lines; however, the pain is still there. Inflation is increasing in foods like pork that is up 68%, coffee up by 45%, oranges up by 35% and the list goes on. We are increasingly having a "the tale of two economies"... Those who are wealthy and those who are struggling to feed themselves.

US Cities Face Half a Trillion Dollars of Pension Deficits
Is is possible that cities could default on pensions? With a $574 billion funding gap, it appears it may be so. Looks like those cities will need more of that Obama money.

Google Plans Alternative Inflation Index Using Web Data
Google, with its vast database of web shopping data, could spell the end of the bogus Inflation Index. By covering the real prices that people pay for goods and services, that are tax free, this instrument is in a position to more accurately calculate inflation rates. Perhaps, it will be able to determine differing inflation rates from different regions of the country.

The Demise of the Dollar
Arab states have launched secret moves with China, Russia and France to stop using the US currency for oil trading. Secret meetings have taken place; such that, the U.S. dollar will be replaced as the world's reserve currency by a basket of currencies. The plan is to do this within nine years; however, I believe it will be sooner.

Gold Is The Best Asset Class To Be In
For the short term, gold is definitely the best thing to be in and you do not want to be late to the party. Finding a real analyst, who is not in the main stream media, that is bearish on gold is a tough task. To give you an idea, China, the world's largest gold producer, has a such a domestic demand that it is actually importing gold; thus, the price is going up.

Death Panels for Democrats
The Democratic leadership is effectively pulling the financial plug and letting several of its members go flat line. The Triage began Monday to fortify those who they believe have the best chance of survival. Personally, it is the fiscally irresponsible on both sides of the aisle that need to be removed.

Please prepare now for the forthcoming economic, and subsequent social, unrest that will hit the US.
Good Day

Hyper Report On YouTube

11 October 2010

Hyper Report - 101011

US Job Losses Drive Markets Higher on Stimulus Hopes
We lost 95,000 jobs, more than 20 times expected, and yet the Dow Jones rose above 11,000? With the Stimulus and the Federal Reserve, we can expect more back door bailouts for the Wall Street and quantitative easing which will make the currency more and more worthless.

Here's Why Gold Could Shoot To $8250
Using the Bretton Woods formula for valuing money in a gold-exchange regime, or the fixed value of a currency equaling its monetary base divided by official gold holdings. The exchange rate of the U.S. dollar to an ounce of gold would be about $8,250 presently. Essentially, divide the $2.15 trillion in the U.S. Monetary Base in September by the 261.5 million ounces (8,133 tons) in U.S. Gold holdings and you get a number about $8250 for an ounce of gold.

Silver Price Manipulation: 'Public Deserves Answers'
US regulators have been urged to reveal the results of a two-year-long investigation into silver and gold price manipulation. The investigation was based on a claim that large traders, like banks - (perhaps JP Morgan?), had been selling huge amounts of paper silver on the futures market to keep prices down.... Essentially selling silver they do not have... called naked short selling. Also, let's not forget the 100:1 ratio mistaken blunder at the CFTC meeting back in April.

Soaring Prices Threaten New Food Crisis
Fears of a global food crisis swept the world’s commodity markets as prices for staples such as corn, rice and wheat spiraled after the US government warned of “dramatically” lower supplies. The amount of Corn will hit the lowest level in 14 years. Wheat and soya production is down dramatically as well. If you haven't already addressed this issue for you and your loved ones, please do so now.

Democrat Bastions Besieged by GOP
Republican challengers are suddenly threatening once-safe Democrats. With that said, the Democrats still have a huge financial arsenal and the Mainstream media on their side. In addition, you can count on Eric Holder to quietly support the now empowered Black Panthers and labor union thugs in terrorizing voting areas.

Overestimate Fueled State's Landmark Diesel Law

By 340%, California overestimated the pollution levels from diesel emissions. Was this by accident? I have my doubts, because by overestimating, wrongful fines and fees have brought a lot of money into the California State government. Expecting a refund for this mistake... Don't count on it.

Please prepare now for the forthcoming economic, and subsequent social, unrest that will hit the US.
Good Day

07 October 2010

Hyper Report - 101007

Bernanke Tells the Truth: The United States is on the Brink of Financial Disaster
In a speech, Benji Bernanke warned about the current state of the government finances. His conclusion, the situation is dire and "unsustainable". He stated: "The recent deep recession and the subsequent slow recovery have created severe budgetary pressures not only for many households and businesses, but for governments as well." Get ready folks... This is as close as you are ever going to see a central banker admit that his country's financial situation is so dire that it could breakup at any time.

Food Stamp Recipients at Record 41.8 Million in July
The number of Americans receiving food stamps rose to a record 41.8 million in July as the U3 jobless rate hovered near a 27-year high. The number of recipients on Food Stamps rose 18 percent from a year earlier. So, now the summer of recovery ends and the fall of recovery begins!

JPMorgan Foreclosure Henchman Breaks Into Woman's House (911 Call File)
Well, now JP Morgan is now using Gestapo like tactics... As recorded on a 911 call, an man, hired by JP Morgan, physically broke into a house of a woman who was three months late in mortgage payments. Needless to say, she is filing a lawsuit.

Middle Class Slams Brakes on Spending
In a 70% consumer based economy, the Middle class has made their deepest spending cuts, by over 3%, in more than two decades. The poorest Americans had to spend more, by 15.4% since 2007, as inflation eats away at their withering pay or unemployment checks.

Voters Are Much Less Optimistic About Black-White Relations
Just 36% of voters say relations between blacks and whites are getting better since last summer. 16% say race relations between blacks and Hispanics are getting better. 21% say race relations between whites and Hispanics are getting better. Now, get this.... 59% of blacks believe the country is moving in the right direction.

Presidential Seal Falls Off Podium as Obama Speaks
In what I am sure is an Omen... Along with the flies on the face and the Teleprompter falling over. The presidential seal fell off Odrama's podium as he delivered a speech to a women's conference. There is just something creepy about this guy.

Impeachable Offense: Govt Will Investigate Obama’s IRS Records Snooping
The U.S. Treasury Department will launch an investigation into the Obama administration’s alleged revealing of political opponents’ private tax information to the media. The IRS being used as a political tool? Naaa... Of course, you can count on hearings by the Republican controlled House to try to keep everyone's eye off the economy.

Fed Officials Mull Inflation as a Fix
In attempt to kick start the US economy, some in the FED are publicly floating a trial balloon.... Lift inflation to encourage consumers to save less and spend or invest more. We are in big do-do folks.

Please prepare now for the forthcoming economic, and subsequent social, unrest that will hit the US.
Good Day