21 February 2011

Hyper Report - 110221

The Real Crisis That W402.20ill Soon Hit the US
The real crisis, in the form of food shortages is coming... and it’s coming fast. Between 2008 and 2012, the world's population is expected to go from 6 to 7 billion. Up until the 1960's we just added cropland to increase the food supply; however since then, we have used fertilizers, modified seeds, and irrigation. It worked for a time; however, now the the yields are beginning to drop. This is an absolute recipe for disaster.

The Next 17 Big Companies That Are Heading Toward Bankruptcy
Here are five companies heading toward Bankruptcy.
  1. Technicolor
  2. Barnes & Noble
  3. Warner Music Group
  4. Canadian Satellite Radio Holding
  5. American Apparel

Silver Rises To 30-Year High As Mints Start to Ration Coins
Silver is hitting post Hunt highs and there has been such a surge in buying physical metal that many dealers simply cannot keep up. David Madge, head of bullion sales at the Royal Canadian Mint, said that demand is at least twice that of volume. Translation: The physical price is now driving the paper price and the manipulation is unraveling faster.

Oklahoma Could Invest In Precious Metals Under Proposal
An Oklahoma House panel passed a bill that would allow the state treasurer to invest in silver and gold bullion. The measure now goes to a House budget committee for further review. If if becomes law, I hope they don't invest in SLV or GLD, or they are screwed.

U.S. Government Software Creates "Fake People" To Spread Message Via Social Networking
It now appears that the government has the ability to pass information, or misinformation, online. No wonder some in government want online voting. Isn't that extra special.

House Blocks Funding For Health Care Law
The House of Representative voted to block funding to implement Obamacare. Speaking of Obamacare, Democratic Representative Debbie Wasserman of Florida suggested the word Obamacare should be banned. Gee, I wonder why?

Leaked Document Shows Major US bank Preparing For Further Economic Turmoil
Please watch this video, by Drutter, detailing that even the banks themselves privately acknowledge that things are going to get a lot worse.

Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day

18 February 2011

Hyper Report - 110218

What Is Wrong With The U.S. Economy?
Please review the 10 economic charts that details the economic catastrophe facing the U.S.. From government expansion with skyrocketing debt to the dollar collapse, things are very grim.

How To Fake An Economic Recovery
Here are some simple ways the government to fake an economy. See if you recognize any of these symptoms.
  1. Make unemployment, and inflation, appear less than it really is by manipulation.
  2. Prop up the stock market and use it as an economic indicator.
  3. Counterfeit money to pay off debt.
  4. Marginalize credit agencies that would let the cat out of the bag.

Outlook for Food Prices: High
With prices for for food commodities soaring, the overall mix of production is likely to be similar to last year. So, how much corn will be going into that costly environmental failure -Ethanol? In addition, we are being told that there is no inflation.

Some Oil From Reserve To Be Sold
The government is preparing to sell emergency crude oil, worth $500 million dollars, because of possible problems with one of the underground storage caverns. This appears to fall in line with plans to create a shortage crisis.

RED ALERT Email between Metal Experts
There is a plan to use the IMF (AKA US Treasury and Wall Street) to issue a new world currency. A source said when gold hits $2000, it will be nationalized, or confiscated, for $200 then reissued by the U.S. Treasury for $10,000 to back SDR's which will be the new world currency. How will the government pay $200 for an ounce of gold? By buying it at $2000 and taxing the revenue at 90%. Large physical gold is being moved to Canada; however, is that really safe?

US Senate Votes To Extend Patriot Act Measures
In a vote of 86 to 12, the Senate has voted to extend by 90 days the unconstitutional Patriot, or Police State, Act. Not surprising, the White House wanted a longer extension.

Dollar On Edge of The Abyss
If the U.S. Dollar goes below 75.63, this will cause accelerated inflation of all commodities. Causing the collapse of discretionary spending like in 2008 and 2009. In addition, food riots world wide will intensify. And don't think you're safe with euros.

Arkansas Cities Feel Unexplained Surge In Earthquakes
Several small earthquakes ranging in magnitude from 1.8 to 3.8 have rattled the north-central Arkansas cities of Greenbrier and Guy this week, and the cause is unknown. It is important to note that Arkansas sits on the New Madrid Fault line.

Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day

15 February 2011

Hyper Report - 110215

France Wants New Global Finance System
Now France is joining the international choirs that wants a new global finance system that is based on several international currencies. Hitch America to 19 other currencies? What could go wrong? Oops, the euro part deuce.

Debt Now Equals Total U.S. Economy
Odrama projects that the gross federal debt will top $15 trillion this year, officially equaling the size of the entire economy. The 2011 budget will see the biggest one-year jump in debt in history. Now isn't that special.

White House Expects Deficit to Spike to $1.65 Trillion
The federal deficit will spike to 1.65 Trillion for this fiscal year and will equal about 10.9 percent of GDP. In addition, Odrama is proposing a $3.73 Trillion dollar budget for next fiscal year. How can we have a nearly $4 trillion budget while only collecting $2 trillion in taxes? The so-called 100 billion dollars in fiscal cuts being discussed is pretty much jettison a few deck chairs and claiming that the Titanic has been saved. As George Washington said..."The last official act of any government is to loot the treasury."

Geithner Tells Obama Debt Expense to Increase to Record
The days of low borrowing costs to service the national debt are all but over. Interest expense will rise to 3.1 percent of GDP by 2016. Demand for Treasuries remains close to record levels at government debt auctions, thanks to the Federal Reserve monetizing the debt. The Federal Reserve will not monetize the debt.

Surging Corn Set To Fuel Widespread Price Hikes
The rising price of corn, that is used in the vast majority of foods, is finding its increased price, of over $7 a bushel, into a multitude of products. The USDA reported that corn supplies are at their tightest level in 15 years; yet we still make ethanol.

Clothing Prices to Rise 10 Pct Starting in Spring
Cotton has more than doubled in price over the past year, hitting all-time highs. The price of other synthetic fabrics, some that use oil, have jumped roughly 50 percent. When reviewing the production costs in clothing, raw materials account for 25 to 50 percent and labor is from 20 to 40 percent; thus, leaving no doubt about increasing prices of clothing.

Inflation, Hyperinflation and Real Estate
Because of lack of buyers and interest rates being high during high inflation or hyperinflation, the pool of customers to buy houses shrinks; therefore, the prices of houses go down relative to other goods and services. As an example, in Chile during their 1973, hyperinflation, a house went from $650,000 to $90,000. You can buy a house cheap during a hyper-inflationary event; however, you will need to buy it in one shot using money.

Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day

11 February 2011

Hyper Report - 110211

Mexico's Big Freeze
80-100% of the crops in Mexico have reportedly been wiped out by the extreme cold. This time of year, Mexico supplies a significant percent of North America's row crop vegetables such as green beans, eggplant, cucumbers, squash peppers, asparagus, and round and roma tomatoes. This will impact supplies 30 to 60 days from now. Please get ready now and remember the old saying... Panic now and avoid the rush.

The Coming Silver Accident
Silver has the largest short position that’s ever existed in anything. Unbridled short selling and manipulation has artificially depressed silver's price. The law of supply and demand is about to hit the real world in a big way.

Terror Threat 'Most Heightened' Since 9/11, Napolitano Says
According to Janet Napolitano, the terrorist threat is at its most heightened state since 9-11. She says that we are are facing threats from groups with Al Qaeda-like ideology. Perhaps, she is referring to the TSA that routinely violate the 4th amendment of the U.S. Constitution. In addition, the government has bolstered its terrorist watch lists, that includes pre-teen children.

'Inexcusable' Delay On TSA Body-Scanner Safety Reports
Two months after Congress called for radiation inspection reports to be made public, the TSA still has not complied. Perhaps, it is because the TSA is still publishing airporn containing the negative images of the 15 million X-rays.

U.S. Footing $100M Bill for U.N. Security Upgrade
The U.S. State Department, being fiscally irresponsible, has graciously donated 100 million in U.S. Tax dollars to finance security upgrades at the U.N.. Time to shut down the State Department.

Judge Rules Against Bank In Mortgage Modification Suit
The ruling again throws into question the legality of hundreds of thousands of foreclosures. Banks when they packaged up the home loans and sold them for a profit without going through the legal process, essentially forfeited the mortgage agreement.

Obama Rolls Out 18 Billion Dollar Internet Plan
Odrama has rolled out yet another big spending plan. This one is intended to offer high-speed wireless internet coverage to 98 percent of Americans. It will cost some 18 billion dollars to help develop the national wireless network that will most likely be overseen by the Department of Homeland Security with a kill switch controlled by Odrama.

Ron Paul Says Next US Crash Will Be Comparable To That Of Soviet Union
Ron Paul believes, based on history, that the next crash will be similar to what happened in the Soviet Union. He also said that there is so much unemployment and it is so under counted. In fact, the free market economists estimate unemployment at 22%. He goes on to say that QE2 is a total failure unless you work on Wall Street and that we need to take power from this international cartel.

Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day

10 February 2011

Hyper Report - 110210

Back to the Future?
China's central bank raised interest rates for the third time in four months to counter the inflation that is besetting fast-growing emerging economies. Commodity prices could threaten the global recovery, just as they did in the summer of 2008. Benji Bernanke's 600 billion dollar plus QE2, met with international disdain, is a major driver of commodity price surges. So, get ready for the summer 2008, part duex, but far worse.

Derivatives: The Real Reason Bernanke Funnels Trillions Into Wall Street Banks
Benji Bernanke is printing money and funneling it into the Wall Street banks for one reason and one reason only. That reason is: DERIVATIVES. The top 5 banks that Benji has been focused on, JP Morgan, Bank of America, Citi Bank, Goldman Sacks, and HSBC have over $188 Trillion in Derivatives. At some point, the 600 Trillion dollar derivative market will implode, and at that point, it’s game over for Wall Street and the Fed.

JPMorgan, HSBC Silver Futures Cases Consolidated
A judicial panel consolidated class action litigation involving JPMorgan and HSBC The suit involves the manipulation of the the silver market and making billions of dollars. The courts are most likely not take this case seriously and will dismiss it in one simple shot. If they do find them guilty, they will most likely fine them a few million dollars compared to the Billions that the banks have made. China, a communist country, will not listen to some BS judicial panel or the complicit CFTC.

White House Plans to Revamp Mortgage Market
Odrama now wants to phase out the government controlled Fannie and Freddie in revamping governments role in the mortgage industry. So, who would control the mortgages? JP Morgan to pay off the Chinese? I smell a rat folks!

EPA Chief Lambasted at Hearing
EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson got lambasted by Representative John Shimkus about Carbon emission capping for new power plants at a congressional hearing. In addition, he even asked her 'Do You Believe in the Law of Supply and Demand?!' Of course, the EPA's real mission is to stop any economic recovery at all costs.

Slush Fund of Top Politicians Found at Vatican Bank
Slush fund accounts of the following people have been identified and seized at the Vatican bank. Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, All of the Bushes and Clintons, Joe Biden, Tim Geithner, Janet Napolitano, and others. Is there something about this bank that we should know about?

A Storm is a Comin’
We live in a fantasy world that is dependent upon an infinite supply; however, things will crash when the Infinite supply paradigm smashes into finite resource reality. Remember, great civilizations before us may have perished but enough aware individuals survived to continue on. Those who fail to prepare, are preparing to perish.

Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day

08 February 2011

Hyper Report - 110208

Rising Global Food Prices Help Fuel Protests
The United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization reports that food prices hitting 3.4 percent, set record highs last month. Four main factors are seen as driving food prices higher: weather, higher and changing demand, smaller yields and crops diverted to biofuels. The World Bank managing director said: "Food prices are not only rising, but they are also volatile and will continue this way into the future,"

Canadian Dollar Reaches Highest Level Since May 2008 on Economic Growth
On good economic news of GDP growing at 3 percent, the Canadian loonie rose 1.4 percent against the collapsing U.S. dollar this week after two consecutive weeks of declines. The loonie has been trading above the dollar every day this year, the longest period since December 2007. This is sure to be a trend that will continue.

Obama Reaches for Corporate Support
After spending two years vilifying the U.S. Chamber of Commerce with statements of taking bribes from foreign associates, Odrama, seeing the writing on the wall, is now desperately trying to get them to support his plans to increase federal spending for green energy, roads, bridges, and other infrastructure projects. So, the question is... What is in those cigarettes that Odrama is smoking? Has he not seen the debt?

Egypt's Internet Crackdown 'Had US Help'
Surprise Surprise Surprise! According to Free Press, an advocacy group, a California-based company helped Egypt inspect internet messaging by protesters since the uprising in Cairo. Free Press claims the Egyptian government's alleged use of such technology to read messages and even track cellphone users via GPS coordinates and SMS messaging was an infraction of the protesters' human rights. This technology is being used by Iran, China, Burma and others. It really would not be surprising to learn that Homeland Security is unconstitutionally doing this inside the U.S. as well.

China Silver Imports Hit Record 3500 Tons In 2010
Silver is getting hot in China because of increasing demand for industrial use and jewelery purposes. In 2005, China exported 3,000 tonnes and now it is an importer. China’s gross imports of silver increased 15 percent to 5,159 tons in 2010. Today industrial uses account for 44% of worldwide silver consumption and in conjunction with investment and store of value demand, industrial demand continues to grow.

Bill Gates: Vaccine-Autism Link 'An Absolute Lie'
Well, it looks like Bill Gates has jumped on the Ted Turner Express to insanity as he wants to spend 10 billion dollars in the next 10 years for vaccines. Wonder if he is also writing "Population Reduction for Dummies"?

FCC: Presidential Emergency Alerts to be Tested
The FCC is going to replace those emergency alert system tests with a new one involving the President. I can see it now... This is only a test, but the President will interrupt all communication for one of his political speeches that should last 40 minutes.

Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day