18 November 2010

Hyper Report - 101118

Fears of New Food Crisis as Prices Soar
According to the UN's food and Agriculture Organization, food prices are putting the world dangerously close to a new food crisis. It said that production of corn and wheat is needed to rebuild world reserves. Other commodities like sugar, soybeans and cotton may be more attractive to grow because of their rapid increase in price.

"Terrifying" Cotton Prices Are Coming
Because of huge increase surges in the price of cotton, be ready for massive increases in the prices of clothes. One reason for the increase is China's demand for cotton has outstripped the domestic production.

Government Employees Owe Billions in Delinquent Taxes
Government employees, who go pay increases last year, owe 3.3 billion dollars. The federal agency with the largest back-tax bill is the U.S. Postal Service with $156 million; however, the largest group at $1.5 billion dollars is retired military personnel. In addition, it should not be any surprise to find out that the 2000 White House personnel owe $831,000 dollars.

Where’s My Obamacare Waiver?
After the Obamascam health care scheme was passed under the guise that it would lower health care costs; despite virtually no one reading it before voting for it, we now find out that over a million Americans, most of them union members that have been waived, or saved, from this lunacy. Time to waive, or save, the rest of America from this stupidity.

TSA About To Ignite Citizen Revolt
The Thanksgiving holiday travel season is almost upon us and millions of Americans are about to be told to either go right to get felt up by a stranger or left to have x-rated pictures, or "airporn", taken of them and their family. With mass complaints from citizens and travel groups to Congress, I wonder if Janet Napatano will be impeached?

Senators and TSA Defend "Love Pats" at Airports
The TSA Chief admits screenings are "Invasive" but says they're necessary to stay ahead of terrorists' new, non-metallic weapons. First is the problem is that none of these measures would have caught the underwear bomber. Second, were not all Administrative personnel instructed not to use the word terrorist?

Debt Collectors Using Facebook
In debt and have a Facebook account? Debt collectors are now harassing people on their Facebook accounts. Isn't that special. With ongoing Facebook privacy issues, I believe you should just close the account.

Please prepare now for the forthcoming economic, and subsequent social, unrest that will hit the US. Good Day

17 November 2010

Hyper Report - 101117

Euro Under Siege
The euro is facing an unprecedented crisis after Portugal indicated that it was at a high risk of needing a bail out. In addition, Greece disclosed that its economic problems are worse than previously thought. Merkel, of Germany, warned: "If the euro fails, then Europe fails." European finance ministers will meet in Brussels and will most likely come up with a way to take fiscal control of all member nations. In short, in order to save the EU from collapse, member nations may trade some form of economic stability and security for their own sovereign freedom.

Europe Is Next Test For Weakened Obama
The 10 day traveling embarrassment show was not enough, apparently; because, Odrama is leaving the country yet again. This time, Europe; where I am sure he will again try to sell his central planning idea, via the guise of better cooperation, to fellow socialists in Europe. Hopefully, for the future of European Union, Merkel of Germany and Cameron of the UK can upstage and shut him out of any meaningful economic discussions.

China Raises US Debt Holdings as Others Offload
Bucking the trend of other nations, China and Japan increased their stockpile of American debt in September. China now holds 884 billion and Japan holds 865 billion in U.S. Treasuries. Perhaps both countries knew how the election was going to go and believed that the Republicans may be more fiscally responsible. If that is the case, we shall see.

One In 7 US Households Hit By Hunger Issues In 2009
The number of U.S. households getting emergency food almost doubled from 3.9 million in 2007 to 5.6 million in 2009. In fiscal year 2009, 15.2 million households participated in SNAP in an average month. This is up from 12.7 million in 2008. SNAP has replaced soup lines.

Rangel Convicted
Rep Charles Rangel has been convicted on 11 of 13 counts of violating House ethics rules which will most likely result in a formal censure. Essentially, they will wag their fingers at him while he gives them the bird.

Senate Leader Deals Blow to President on Arms Treaty
Odrama has continued his losing streak as the Senate Republican Leader stated, citing that there was too much on the agenda already, that there would no vote on the START Treaty during the Lame Duck session of Congress. Perhaps reading the bills before voting on them is a good idea after all.

California Will Default On Its Debt
In California, municipal bonds have plummeted in recent days, which has a $25 billion dollar shortfall. Fixing state and local obligations will most require the restructuring of pensions and salaries that government workers have long since taken for granted and it will not be pretty. Looks like the state of California will need that Obama Money.

Finally, please prepare now for the forthcoming economic, and subsequent social, unrest that will hit the US.
Good Day

16 November 2010

Hyper Report - 101116

UK, U.S., And Japan Are All At Risk
Ben Davies believes the U.S., UK, and Japan are at risk of default or hyperinflation. Japan has already gone "nuclear" expanding its quantitative easing program to real assets. The UK is the most leveraged country in the world, is it risk of implicit default through high inflation. The U.S. could see hyperinflation through its unfunded liabilities, like Social Security, if it chooses not to renege on its commitments. Who will be first? The suspense is terrible, I hope it will last.

How to Make the Dollar Sound Again
The Federal Reserve affirmed the fact that dollars can be conjured with quantitative easing and they no longer need a printing press. Only by going back to the gold standard can the Dollar be saved; however with the current debt, the dollar will be valued far less than a 1/20 of an ounce of gold. In my opinion, it should be a gold and silver standard as originally set up by the U.S. Constitution.

Obamanomics Leaving World Nervous
Countries like Germany, Brazil, South Africa, and China like the recent U.S. monetary policy as much as people liked New Coke. Of course, it is not only the monetary move, it is also the irresponsible deficit spending. In short, Odrama is turning into the international Rodney Dangerfield but without the laughs.

Why Your Toilet Paper is Shrinking
With the rising costs of raw materials, we are seeing more and more items shrink to keep the same price. For example, the area of a single square of toilet tissue has shrunk. In 1995, Scott 1000 roll was 4.5 by 4.5 inches. Today it is 4.1 by 3.7 inches. I wonder if Sheryl Crow can still wipe with one square?

Charlie Rangel
Monday's Lame duck session started with Charlie Rangel defending himself. As if Democrats don't have enough problems with Pelosi. Perhaps, he may be sporting a new orange suit.

In-State Tuition for Illegal's
With yet another nail in California's fiscal coffin, the California State Supreme Court has ruled unanimously that illegal immigrants are eligible for in-state tuition rates.

James Turk Gold 8000 Hyperinflation A Sure Thing
James Turk believes that the money manipulation is ending now with Central Banks buying physical gold. When the dollar goes down, the Euro, which uses Dollars as reserves, will also go down. With gold in 2nd stage of a bull market, we will see a more rapid price appreciation than in the past years. And get this, there is approximately only a physical 1/2 ounce of gold for every person on earth. In addition, the U.S. has a 100% chance of Hyperinflation and it may be in a matter of months and not years away.

How to Survive a Hyper Inflation
If you own paper investments or instruments like cash, stocks,bonds, and cd's, then sell them fast and buy physical precious metals. Make sure you also store away a lot of food. At least 6 months worth. Make sure you get out of debt. Start your own business. Instead of driving your car, use public transportation or ride a bicycle. My own addition... Personal Protection.

Finally, please prepare now for the forthcoming economic, and subsequent social, unrest that will hit the US.
Good Day

15 November 2010

Hyper Report - 101115

Secret Walmart Survey Shows Inflation Already Here
A new pricing survey of products, sold by Walmart, shows a 0.6 percent increase in just two months. Despite the fact that the average American knows we have inflation, the government, next week, is expected to say inflation increased only 0.3 percent annual rate. As of now, maybe the prices have not gone up; however, products have shrunk in size and weight.

Obama Can't Get G-20 Nations to Follow his Lead
Odrama's Asia trip is extending a losing streak with a refusal by other major financial powers to follow his lead. It’s hard to follow a guy who can't stop bowing, leaving his backside free for others to stick it to him. Odrama is about to have a difficult 2 years unless comes back to the center.... Like that is going to happen. This is a prime example of The Peter Principle.

Democrats To Push For $250 Social Security Payment
Because seniors were a huge factor in the Democrats election slaughter, Democrats, during the lame duck session, will attempt to give 58 million seniors $250 in Obama money, hoping that seniors will forget having Odramacare shoved up their backsides.

Administration Asserts Authority to Terminate ‘Enemies’
The administration, in court, said the government has the right to use deadly force against its enemies. A brief stated that this government faces serious threats from both at home and abroad. So, who are the enemies at home? Well, recently Odrama claimed to Hispanics, on October 25th, that Republicans were enemies, and a while ago Secretary Janet Napolitano put out a memo stating to be wary of military veterans.

U.S. Airport Scanners Pose Skin Cancer Risks
Canadian doctors are now warning of the dangers of the full-body scanners in U.S. airports. They are even raising concerns for Canadians traveling south of the border. So, when flying, what do you do with your pre-teen child? Send them through a potentially dangerous X-ray device, or have some stranger man-handle them?

The Case Of Cody Alicea
13 year old Cody was told by officials at Denair Middle School in California, a few days before Veteran's Day, that he had to remove the U.S. flag off of his bicycle. The officials claimed that flying the American flag in America causes racial tensions. Needless to say, this is ludicrous.

Will FEMA Camps Look Like Club Med?
Think of it.... Economic collapse and the supply lines for food, fuel and medicine gone, roving gangs of armed thugs stalking the streets, ransacking homes for rations. Then the government announces a one-time sweep to rescue desperate citizens from the anarchy to be relocated to special family relocation centers run by FEMA. Are you prepared for the consequences? It won't be what you expect. You may be even be fed Soylent Green.

Finally, please prepare now for the forthcoming economic, and subsequent social, unrest that will hit the US.
Good Day

02 November 2010

Hyper Report - 101102

Fed Likely to Announce $500 Billion of Purchases, Survey Shows
As the Fed is expected to purchase $500 billion in long-term securities over the next six months, Some in the Fed believe that they are in uncharted waters and that they are now just guessing as to the size, duration and impact of the quantitative policy. In short, it appears that America's financial future has come down to a single roll of a dice and everyone is hoping we do not get snake eyes.

Red Alert Metals Report: Silver Set to Explode
With silver going from 18 to 24 dollars an ounce, there has been a margin call of over $6.6 billion dollars for the bankers like HSBC. With People beginning again to realize that silver is a currency, there could be a lightning thrust to $50 an ounce for the price of silver in the very near future.

The Curse of the Welfare State
All across Europe, people are taking to the streets to protest the austerity measures of their respective governments. The governments have to cut spending for one simple reason: They are broke. The US is the only Western country where many people march against the bankrupting policies of their own government. Unfortunately, it may be too little too late.

Unemployment Offices To Add Armed Guards
In Indiana, a scene that could be repeated in many states, armed guards are being stationed at unemployment offices to improve security... especially with many who are exhausting their 99 week unemployment benefits.

Top Trash Producing City of the World
As China undergoes its drive toward urbanization, it is also witnessing the rapid accumulation of urban garbage. As an example, Hong Kong has become biggest trash producing city of the world as 7 million residents produce 6.45 million tons trash per year. Speaking of Trash...

Early Clues: What to Watch In Tuesday's Elections
Aside from Television commentators openly criticizing and crying about the electorate, people will know how badly the election is for the Democrats by observing a few key eastern states such as Indiana, Virgina and Vermont. So, grab your popcorn and watch as pundits try to downplay the potential avalanche and deflect criticism from Odrama. Speaking of Odrama....

Obama Seeks To Blunt Republican Attack Over Comment
From October 2nd, Odrama said "And if Latino's sit out the election instead of saying we are going to punish our enemies and we are gonna reward our friends" In response to that statement, Odrama, in an interview with radio host Michael Baisden, said "I probably should have used the word 'opponents' instead of enemies." Ya think and let's not overlook the implied race card here of using "Latinos" to do the punishing.

Finally, please prepare now for the forthcoming economic, and subsequent social, unrest that will hit the US.
Good Day