18 November 2010

Hyper Report - 101118

Fears of New Food Crisis as Prices Soar
According to the UN's food and Agriculture Organization, food prices are putting the world dangerously close to a new food crisis. It said that production of corn and wheat is needed to rebuild world reserves. Other commodities like sugar, soybeans and cotton may be more attractive to grow because of their rapid increase in price.

"Terrifying" Cotton Prices Are Coming
Because of huge increase surges in the price of cotton, be ready for massive increases in the prices of clothes. One reason for the increase is China's demand for cotton has outstripped the domestic production.

Government Employees Owe Billions in Delinquent Taxes
Government employees, who go pay increases last year, owe 3.3 billion dollars. The federal agency with the largest back-tax bill is the U.S. Postal Service with $156 million; however, the largest group at $1.5 billion dollars is retired military personnel. In addition, it should not be any surprise to find out that the 2000 White House personnel owe $831,000 dollars.

Where’s My Obamacare Waiver?
After the Obamascam health care scheme was passed under the guise that it would lower health care costs; despite virtually no one reading it before voting for it, we now find out that over a million Americans, most of them union members that have been waived, or saved, from this lunacy. Time to waive, or save, the rest of America from this stupidity.

TSA About To Ignite Citizen Revolt
The Thanksgiving holiday travel season is almost upon us and millions of Americans are about to be told to either go right to get felt up by a stranger or left to have x-rated pictures, or "airporn", taken of them and their family. With mass complaints from citizens and travel groups to Congress, I wonder if Janet Napatano will be impeached?

Senators and TSA Defend "Love Pats" at Airports
The TSA Chief admits screenings are "Invasive" but says they're necessary to stay ahead of terrorists' new, non-metallic weapons. First is the problem is that none of these measures would have caught the underwear bomber. Second, were not all Administrative personnel instructed not to use the word terrorist?

Debt Collectors Using Facebook
In debt and have a Facebook account? Debt collectors are now harassing people on their Facebook accounts. Isn't that special. With ongoing Facebook privacy issues, I believe you should just close the account.

Please prepare now for the forthcoming economic, and subsequent social, unrest that will hit the US. Good Day

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