15 November 2010

Hyper Report - 101115

Secret Walmart Survey Shows Inflation Already Here
A new pricing survey of products, sold by Walmart, shows a 0.6 percent increase in just two months. Despite the fact that the average American knows we have inflation, the government, next week, is expected to say inflation increased only 0.3 percent annual rate. As of now, maybe the prices have not gone up; however, products have shrunk in size and weight.

Obama Can't Get G-20 Nations to Follow his Lead
Odrama's Asia trip is extending a losing streak with a refusal by other major financial powers to follow his lead. It’s hard to follow a guy who can't stop bowing, leaving his backside free for others to stick it to him. Odrama is about to have a difficult 2 years unless comes back to the center.... Like that is going to happen. This is a prime example of The Peter Principle.

Democrats To Push For $250 Social Security Payment
Because seniors were a huge factor in the Democrats election slaughter, Democrats, during the lame duck session, will attempt to give 58 million seniors $250 in Obama money, hoping that seniors will forget having Odramacare shoved up their backsides.

Administration Asserts Authority to Terminate ‘Enemies’
The administration, in court, said the government has the right to use deadly force against its enemies. A brief stated that this government faces serious threats from both at home and abroad. So, who are the enemies at home? Well, recently Odrama claimed to Hispanics, on October 25th, that Republicans were enemies, and a while ago Secretary Janet Napolitano put out a memo stating to be wary of military veterans.

U.S. Airport Scanners Pose Skin Cancer Risks
Canadian doctors are now warning of the dangers of the full-body scanners in U.S. airports. They are even raising concerns for Canadians traveling south of the border. So, when flying, what do you do with your pre-teen child? Send them through a potentially dangerous X-ray device, or have some stranger man-handle them?

The Case Of Cody Alicea
13 year old Cody was told by officials at Denair Middle School in California, a few days before Veteran's Day, that he had to remove the U.S. flag off of his bicycle. The officials claimed that flying the American flag in America causes racial tensions. Needless to say, this is ludicrous.

Will FEMA Camps Look Like Club Med?
Think of it.... Economic collapse and the supply lines for food, fuel and medicine gone, roving gangs of armed thugs stalking the streets, ransacking homes for rations. Then the government announces a one-time sweep to rescue desperate citizens from the anarchy to be relocated to special family relocation centers run by FEMA. Are you prepared for the consequences? It won't be what you expect. You may be even be fed Soylent Green.

Finally, please prepare now for the forthcoming economic, and subsequent social, unrest that will hit the US.
Good Day

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