02 December 2010

Hyper Report - 101202

S&P: Possible Portugal Downgrade
S&P has warned that it could downgrade Portugal’s long-and short-term sovereign debt ratings in the next three months because of increased risk from the possibility of a bail-out. To make things worse, S&P also forecast a sharp recession for Portugal in 2011, with the economy contracting 2 percent.

The Danger of a Global Double Dip Recession Is Real
The majority of Western governments are running fiscal deficits of 10 percent plus relative to GDP. They will be forced to deal with personal, corporate, and sovereign debt. We are witnessing an inevitable rise of the East and a decline of the West. In short, it is coming time to pay the piper.

Deficit Panel's Painful Budget
As a starting point for controlling for efforts next year to control the nation's ballooning debt, the debt commission drew sharp challenges from both the left and right. It aims to reduce federal red ink by nearly $4 trillion within a decade. Either from entitlements like Social Security or cuts in other areas like the military. Unfortunately, the debt commission has a very powerful enemy... Benji Bernanke and his quantitative easing policies. Speaking of the Fed...

Fed Data Show Firms on the Brink (Link 2) (Link 3)
The Fed provided 21,000 emergency loans totaling $3.3 trillion during the financial crisis. The Fed made $9 trillion in emergency overnight loans with Merrill Lynch, Citigroup, and Morgan Stanley at about $2 Trillion each. In addition, the Fed gave emergency loans from McDonalds to Harley Davidson and essentially supported the U.S. market well into the summer of 2009. It also appears as the U.S. Federal Reserve has become the central bank of the world with $350 billion plus, in loans, going to foreign banks in Europe. Was this to keep Europe using US Dollars or maybe another form of AIG bailout? We shall see.

US Bank Implicated In WikiLeaks Trove
Early next year, WikiLeaks will show a big US bank engaging in "flagrant violations" and "unethical practices", according to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assage. Let's see could it be... JP Morgan? We shall see. No wonder Interpol wants this guy.

BitTorrent Based DNS To Counter US Domain Seizures
To limit the power governments have over domain names, some enthusiasts are working on a revolutionary system that can not be influenced by a government. This is because the system is distributed among many computers instead of a small group of central servers.

Mom Brings Kid To Crack Deal
A woman was arrested selling 1.5 grams of crack to an undercover cop in Charlotte Florida. She brought along her 9 year old son with her... She must have thought it was take your child to work day.

Finally, please prepare now for the forthcoming economic, and subsequent social, unrest that will hit the US.
Good Day

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