18 February 2011

Hyper Report - 110218

What Is Wrong With The U.S. Economy?
Please review the 10 economic charts that details the economic catastrophe facing the U.S.. From government expansion with skyrocketing debt to the dollar collapse, things are very grim.

How To Fake An Economic Recovery
Here are some simple ways the government to fake an economy. See if you recognize any of these symptoms.
  1. Make unemployment, and inflation, appear less than it really is by manipulation.
  2. Prop up the stock market and use it as an economic indicator.
  3. Counterfeit money to pay off debt.
  4. Marginalize credit agencies that would let the cat out of the bag.

Outlook for Food Prices: High
With prices for for food commodities soaring, the overall mix of production is likely to be similar to last year. So, how much corn will be going into that costly environmental failure -Ethanol? In addition, we are being told that there is no inflation.

Some Oil From Reserve To Be Sold
The government is preparing to sell emergency crude oil, worth $500 million dollars, because of possible problems with one of the underground storage caverns. This appears to fall in line with plans to create a shortage crisis.

RED ALERT Email between Metal Experts
There is a plan to use the IMF (AKA US Treasury and Wall Street) to issue a new world currency. A source said when gold hits $2000, it will be nationalized, or confiscated, for $200 then reissued by the U.S. Treasury for $10,000 to back SDR's which will be the new world currency. How will the government pay $200 for an ounce of gold? By buying it at $2000 and taxing the revenue at 90%. Large physical gold is being moved to Canada; however, is that really safe?

US Senate Votes To Extend Patriot Act Measures
In a vote of 86 to 12, the Senate has voted to extend by 90 days the unconstitutional Patriot, or Police State, Act. Not surprising, the White House wanted a longer extension.

Dollar On Edge of The Abyss
If the U.S. Dollar goes below 75.63, this will cause accelerated inflation of all commodities. Causing the collapse of discretionary spending like in 2008 and 2009. In addition, food riots world wide will intensify. And don't think you're safe with euros.

Arkansas Cities Feel Unexplained Surge In Earthquakes
Several small earthquakes ranging in magnitude from 1.8 to 3.8 have rattled the north-central Arkansas cities of Greenbrier and Guy this week, and the cause is unknown. It is important to note that Arkansas sits on the New Madrid Fault line.

Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day

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