13 April 2011

Hyper Report - 110413

The Debt Bomb Is Coming Due
The US had a deficit of $829 billion for the first half of fiscal 2011, or 15.7% higher than the same period last year... With little growth, and a rising tax burden, the $14.3 trillion debt ceiling being raised will make little difference. With Washington spending like a drunk teenager with his parents credit card, increased taxes across the board are definitely in the future.

The Fed's Most Dangerous Game: Checkmate

The Fed is now trapped: if it crushes the dollar any lower, then oil will jump and trigger recession in the "real" U.S. economy. But if they let the dollar rise, then their precious stock market rally implodes. Also, if the Fed, by their actions, let the dollar depreciate in an uncontrolled fashion, then it is hyperinflation. Either way, this fiscal ship is sinking.

Obama Regrets Vote Against Raising Debt Limit
Now, that Obama bin Lyin is trying to convince Americans to commit financial suicide by raising the debt limit, he is now lamenting that he voted against raising the debt limit in 2006, which was the correct way to vote. How times have changed.

Brother, Can You Spare A Trillion?: Government Gone Wild!
Since 1988, Congress has spend 8 trillion dollars in interest payments, and by 2021, if the government still exists, the amount needed to service the debt will be over a trillion dollars a year. By 2046, all of the revenue brought into the government will go to service the debt only. Okay, time to stick a fork in the US economy.

TSA Still Groping Kids...and Drug Testing Them
Well, Janet Incompetanto's goon squad... Aka the TSA, are continuing to practice their pedophilia as they publicly molest 6 year old girls. Her aim is to stopping the massive 6 year old drug syndicate as every lollipop is double checked. She may have lost the U.S. Border, but she won't let her tax payed goons miss out on checking people's underwear.

5 Things That Will Happen To You When America Goes Bankrupt
  1. Your life savings, if in paper, could be reduced to nothing almost overnight.
  2. Your taxes will skyrocket.
  3. Because of lack of civil order, your life could be in danger.
  4. Your payments from the government will dramatically decrease or stop altogether.
  5. You will have a dramatically reduced standard of living.
So be the ant and prepare and not the grasshopper.

Chicago School Bans Some Lunches Brought From Home
Although claiming it is for the healthier eating, a Chicago school will not allow kids to bring lunches or certain snacks from home. Instead, the children are directly, or the local taxpayers indirectly, charged more than $2 per lunch. Don't you just love those backdoor revenue schemes that local government can come up with?

Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day

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