This Blog is set up to give regular, and very brief, updates on what is going on in the world and how it will affect people's lives. This channel emphasizes the importance of preparing for the near future.
02 May 2011
Hyper Report - 110502
U.S. Treasury: China Has Decreased Its Holdings of U.S. Debt
Since September 2008, China has been the largest foreign holder of U.S. debt; however, since last October, they have decreased their holdi from 1.17 to 1.154 Trillion dollars. With the S&P downgrade and the fiscal irresponsibility from Washington, look for continued withdrawal, especially since they may be planning to drop 1/3 of their foreign reserves, i.e. Dollars and euros, to purchase gold.
3 Weird Things About Tonight's Huge Silver Selloff
The US has not solved it's deficit or debt problems. China and India are still buying silver like mad; and there is backwardation. So, why the sell-off in the price of silver and other commodities virtually untouched? Officially, nobody knows; however, it looks like the same old game book with Central Banks with the inept CFTC still clueless. So keep stacking!
You Just Lost 3.7% of Your Savings in April
The typical person having U.S. dollars in savings lost 3.7% of the perceived value. On the other hand, they would have seen significant gains in precious metals. Even with the recent sell-off.
Gas Prices Jump to $3.91 a Gallon, Heading to $4
Drivers in 22 states are paying more than the national average of $3.91 per gallon at the pump. In Alaska, California and Connecticut they are paying $4.20 or more. Do not look for relief in gas prices and forget gas going below $3.00 ever again.
Are States' Pensions the Next Crisis?
The Pew center estimates that government pension funds and health care programs are underfunded by more than $1.2 trillion today. They also report that that 31 states are funding their government pension funds at levels below the point, which is 80%, most experts consider safe.
Wal-Mart Adds Guns Alongside Butter
To the displeasure of many gun confiscation enthusiasts, Wal-Mart, is quietly bringing back rifles, shotguns, and ammunition to 100's of its stores. The world's largest retailer had stopped those sales five years ago, citing diminishing sales. Of course with a government run amok in deception and lies, people are beginning to wake up and arm themselves against what they see as a repressive government who ignores the constitution.
Texas Bill Would Make Invasive Pat-Downs a Felony
Looks like the state of Texas is going up against the Department of Insecurity under Janet Incompentano. A Bill has been sponsored that would make it a felony, unless there is probable cause, for TSA pedophiles, err agents, to internally touch someone's private parts. TSA spokesman Nicholas Kimball says that current security measures are the best ways to mitigate the risk of terrorism. Right. Not to mention ignoring the constitution.
Please prepare now for the developing economic and social unrest. Good Day
20 April 2011
Hyper Report - 110420
Geithner has approved plans for (IMF) to absorb the Fed ???
If true, the IMF could absorb the Federal Reserve to create a true global central bank. A “basket of currencies” would to be created to replace the U.S. dollar as the international currency of trade. Tim Geithner and Benji Bernanke currently serve on the board of Governors at the IMF. No conflict of interest here. Right!
No Relief For Soaring Greek Borrowing Costs
Greek borrowing costs hit fresh euro-era highs amid warnings that yields will rise further. Greek three-year bond yields jumped to 21.37 per cent and the probability of a default by Athens in the next five years rose to 67 percent. Greece is a preview of what is to come in the US in the not-to-distant future.
Count On It!
There will be a great debate on both sides of the political isle; however, the debt limit will raised. The main reason is that money is debt and without money there is no debt; thus a loss of control. When the dollar collapses, and it will, it will be one of the biggest events in modern history. So prepare accordingly.
Banks Get Failing Grade in Foreclosure Handling
Banks continue to receive backlash for their handling of a flood of foreclosures across the country. Officials at the Fed say they will soon announce monetary penalties against mortgage servicers. On the same track, state attorneys general are conducting their own probe into shoddy foreclosure procedures as well. With this said and done, look for a compromise deal where the banks will still be able to foreclose on millions of Americans.
No Proposed Change to Federal Retirement
Before Obama been Lying's speech last week, there was speculation that he would adopt recommendations of the deficit commission. Well, to the surprise to virtually no one, the Central Planner-n-Chief did not. The benefits and goodies, paid by a broke government, will continue at the taxpayer's expense. It is the continued story of what is good news for government workers is bad news for taxpayers.
Paterson Cop Layoffs May Affect Response Times
125, or 25%, of police have been laid off because of budgetary cuts in Paterson New Jersey. Guess they got rid of the non-essential workers first before laying off police officers... Right. Is the cost saving measure compromising safety? Only to people who are not self sufficient and do not believe in the second amendment.
McDonald's Hiring Day Draws Crowds
Need a job, well the economic recovery is here. With 13 million Americans looking for work, McDonald's has stepped up hire 50,000 new workers. Yes, now those college graduates who are unemployed have an opportunity to can go to a new school. The school of hard knocks. Good Luck in the new Mcrecovery.
Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day
13 April 2011
Hyper Report - 110413
The Debt Bomb Is Coming Due
The US had a deficit of $829 billion for the first half of fiscal 2011, or 15.7% higher than the same period last year... With little growth, and a rising tax burden, the $14.3 trillion debt ceiling being raised will make little difference. With Washington spending like a drunk teenager with his parents credit card, increased taxes across the board are definitely in the future.
The Fed's Most Dangerous Game: Checkmate
The Fed is now trapped: if it crushes the dollar any lower, then oil will jump and trigger recession in the "real" U.S. economy. But if they let the dollar rise, then their precious stock market rally implodes. Also, if the Fed, by their actions, let the dollar depreciate in an uncontrolled fashion, then it is hyperinflation. Either way, this fiscal ship is sinking.
Obama Regrets Vote Against Raising Debt Limit
Now, that Obama bin Lyin is trying to convince Americans to commit financial suicide by raising the debt limit, he is now lamenting that he voted against raising the debt limit in 2006, which was the correct way to vote. How times have changed.
Brother, Can You Spare A Trillion?: Government Gone Wild!
Since 1988, Congress has spend 8 trillion dollars in interest payments, and by 2021, if the government still exists, the amount needed to service the debt will be over a trillion dollars a year. By 2046, all of the revenue brought into the government will go to service the debt only. Okay, time to stick a fork in the US economy.
TSA Still Groping Kids...and Drug Testing Them
Well, Janet Incompetanto's goon squad... Aka the TSA, are continuing to practice their pedophilia as they publicly molest 6 year old girls. Her aim is to stopping the massive 6 year old drug syndicate as every lollipop is double checked. She may have lost the U.S. Border, but she won't let her tax payed goons miss out on checking people's underwear.
5 Things That Will Happen To You When America Goes Bankrupt
- Your life savings, if in paper, could be reduced to nothing almost overnight.
- Your taxes will skyrocket.
- Because of lack of civil order, your life could be in danger.
- Your payments from the government will dramatically decrease or stop altogether.
- You will have a dramatically reduced standard of living.
Chicago School Bans Some Lunches Brought From Home
Although claiming it is for the healthier eating, a Chicago school will not allow kids to bring lunches or certain snacks from home. Instead, the children are directly, or the local taxpayers indirectly, charged more than $2 per lunch. Don't you just love those backdoor revenue schemes that local government can come up with?
Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day
11 April 2011
Hyper Report - 110411
Government Shutdown Avoided
On Friday night, both political parties declared victory and cut $38 billion dollars out of the budget to keep the government open. 38 billion out of the 1.6 trillion dollar deficit is a pathetic joke. So because the government will remain open with its irresponsible deficit spending, US Consumers will see more rampart inflation as the U.S. dollar collapses faster. Understand this, this budget battle was for the American consumer only. The politicians arguing over a 66 billion dollar cut with a 1.6 Trillion dollar deficit is like a person arguing over a cup of coffee when they are spending 133 dollars a month more than they bringing in.
Gold Is Sending A Signal That The Monetary System Is In Grave Danger
According to Paul Tustain, founder of BullionVault, the only reason gold is around $1400 is that many investors believe that there is zero percent chance of hyperinflation. He says that when a country's public debt exceeds 90% of GDP, like the US, that is the magic number... and there is no way back. He sees gold at least $3,800 dollars, on the conservative side, as money printing continues and Central Bankers have gone from net sellers to net buyers of gold.
Oil Climbs Above $112 a Barrel on Libyan Armed Revolt
Since the Libya unrest began, there’s been a re-coupling of the inverse relationship between the dollar and oil. The Middle East is being used as cover by speculators looking to send oil higher. The increase in oil prices will have an impact on economies and the weakness of the U.S. dollar is compounding the problem.
Food Inflation Harsh Times – A New Normal
In 2008, like 2011, a spike in food prices resulted in food riots around the world. Unfortunately 2010 was a disaster for crops and their stockpiles. Food prices are forecast to grow by more than another 30 to 75% this year. So keep prepping.
Guess Who's Almost Out Of Silver
According to the CME Group, JP Morgan, who laughingly is a COMEX only has a little over thirty thousand ounces. So all those people, who own SLV thinking they own silver, are about to be bitch slapped with reality.
Decision To Cancel NASA Seismic-Tracking Radar Satellite Was Made Top-Down
Despite growing evidence that the Pacific Coast of the United States is facing major seismic eruptions at any time in the next several years, a Seismic-tracking radar satellite has been scraped. So, if anything seismic does happen in California or on the New Madrid fault line, we can expect the usual Katrina like response.
Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day
06 April 2011
Hyper Report - 110406
Oil Could Hit $200-$300 On Saudi Unrest
Continued political unrest in Saudi Arabia could cause oil prices to hit between $200 and $300. With oil now about $110 now, this means gas could easily go past $6 a gallon in the very near future.
“Mortal Wound”: Japan Disaster Could Trigger Global Liquidity
Japan, which is the the second largest foreign holder of US Debt, is going to need liquidity to begin the monumental task of rebuilding. For the foreseeable future, this will make Japan, at the very least, neutral, on buying other countries debt. This could get very ugly very fast for those nations that have become dependent upon Japan buying their debt. In addition, Japans role in the supply of goods is becoming more apparent since components, that used to be taken for granted, are no longer available. It's a brave new world.
The GOP Path to Prosperity
Paul Ryan proposed budget that is expected to make drastic changes in government entitlements and would cut $6.2 trillion dollars from US spending in the next 10 years. This is a great start to eliminating the debt... The only problem is that only comes up to about $600 billion a year in cuts. This falls way short of the $1.6 trillion in deficit spending in this year alone. To be serious, both political parties will have to get out the knives again and start cutting more. With the squabbling over 66 billion dollars, that appears very unlikely.
Geithner Warns U.S. To Hit Debt Ceiling By May 16
Little lying Timmy stated that the government will hit its legal limit to borrow money no later than May 16th. He went on to say that default by the United States is unthinkable. Both the desperate Geithner and Benji Bernanke have said a failure to raise the ceiling could have "catastrophic consequences." Such as the end of US involvement in Obama bin Lyin's war on Libya. Wait that's a good thing.
Obama Snatching Up Huge Tracts of Land
Obumer wants Congress to double spending to $900 million next year to a fund that is used to buy more property for the federal government. Currently, the government owns 635 million acres, or roughly three out of every 10 acres, with the largest chunk in Alaska. Gee, this sounds like the making of the next monetary standard in the making. The US will back up its money with land since the gold is most likely not there.
When The Emperor has No Birth Certificate
In a same vane as the child in Hans Christian Andersen's "The Emperor's New Clothes," Donald Trump has called out

Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day
04 April 2011
Hyper Report - 110404
Government Workers Outnumber Construction, Farming Fishing, Forestry, Manufacturing, Mining, and Utilities Combined.
There are 22.5 million people working for the government. while all of manufacturing has only 11.5 million. This is almost the exact reversal of the situation in 1960 when there were 15 million workers in manufacturing and 8.8 million employed by the government. In short, the official U3 unemployment number of 8.8% , the lowest in two years, is of no relevance.
Another Foodstamp Record
There are nearly 44.2 million people, or 14.5 percent of the US population, on food stamps. More Americans than ever are living on government subsistence; however, the monthly benefit per household has gone from about $295 a month to $283. This is not a big drop; however, when one considers inflation, it is devastating.
Subprime Bonds Are Back
Subprime and other residential mortgage bonds that helped trigger the financial crisis are back in vogue with long-term investors. Their comeback underscores how investors, or suckers, have regained the courage to take on more risk, with their clients savings. In addition, these investors are re-entering the market and buy

Bigger Corn Crop Isn’t Likely to Ease Food Inflation
Farmers intend to plant 92.2 million acres of corn this spring, 5 percent more than last year; however, the supply is not enough to keep up with demand. In short, the food inflation we are seeing at the markets will continue.
Fed Is Likely to Raise Rates By End of the Year
Apparently taking the cue from the European Central Bank, Richmond Federal Reserve President Jeffrey Lacker said that he would not be surprised if the Fed raised interest rates before the end of the year. As interest rates go up, the amount needed to service the debt will grow exponentially; thus, a default or hyperinflation is in the cards.
American Ghost Towns Of The 21st Century
According to the 2010 Census, there are several counties, like Lake County, Michigan or Summit County, Colorado, that have a population of over 10,000 with the vacancy rates is above 55%. With less people, will come less tax dollars; thus making it possible that these towns could just simply disappear.
Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day
29 March 2011
Hyper Report - 110329
Buffett Warns: The Dollar Will Decline
The man who said to invest in what you know, is selling longer-dated bond holdings. Unfortunately, Warren Buffett is stating that money is safe in the stock market. You may be better off going to Vegas and betting all or nothing on double zero.
Disposable Income Falls As Prices Jump
American families are growing poorer by the day as their real disposable income declined in February by the largest amount in 2 1/2 years. In addition, the U.S. savings fell from $710.5 billion to $676.7 billion as personal spending rose $69.2 billion. All we need now are plaid suits and disco balls and it will feel like the late 70’s all over again. (Link 2)
Governors Face Budget Blowback
The 2010 elections signaled fiscal responsibility; however, almost every governor that has tried to deliver a take-your-medicine message has paid a political price. So, it wont be the politicians or the voters that will force fiscal cutbacks... It will be others... less sympathetic.
Gold Replacing Dollar as World’s Reserve Currency?
With commodity and food prices skyrocketing, this would normally cause Central Banks to run to the U.S. Dollar; however, they are dumping dollars and buying gold and silver. With this in mind, keep stacking while the FED's hopeless manipulation game keeps both gold and silver cheap.
Why Your Local School System Could Soon Shut Down...
Although a sales pitch, the folks at Sovereign Society believe that Municipal bonds will collapse within 6 to 12 months. This 2.81 trillion dollar investment, with its fraud and incompetence will implode and blindside millions of Americans in 44 states. In short they, and many others, appear to be recommending getting out of paper, or debt based instruments, quickly.
War Against Libya Constitutionally Illegal
By actively the supporting rebels, who are also supported by Al Qaeda, lying Odrama is effectively saying if you can't beat them, join them. Also, Defense Secretary Gates said that there was no national security concerns about Libya; thus, the $600 million dollar in 6 day military kinetic action is violating the War Powers Act of 1973. Of course, since when does the U.S. Constitution or U.S Law mean anything to either political party on Capital Hill? Especially when Orama's statements from his speech last night do not fit the facts?
(Link 2) (Link 3) (Link 4) (Link 5)
Healthcare Firm Moves To Texas
Home healthcare provider AccentCare is moving its corporate headquarters from California to Texas. Question: What could be the shortest list in the world? Answer: The list of companies moving from Texas to California. (Link 2)
Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day
28 March 2011
Hyper Report - 110328
Moody's Downgrades Ratings of 30 Spanish Banks
Moody's downgraded the debt of 30 Spanish banks by one or more notches; however, left the ratings of the three largest banks untouched. In addition, the yield on Spanish 10-year government bonds was also virtually unchanged at about 5.18 percent. however like the other PIIGS (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain), expect the interest rates to increase.
Fears Rise That Japan Could Sell Off U.S. Debt
U.S. Officials are becoming more and more concerned that Japan, the second largest holder of US debt, will be forced to get out to begin the massive recovery that must be undertaken. When asked if Japan's troubles could affect the US borrowing costs and interest rates, Little Lying Timmy said no. Of course, the Fed is ready to step in and monetize the US debt more. (Foreign Holders of U.S. Debt Table)
Will Central Banks Accommodate The Oil Price Shock?
Inflation rates are rising in the world's major economies. Central bankers can do nothing to prevent an increase in world oil prices from harming those oil-importing economies. Essentially, they can do nothing about the real world of supply and demand.
12 Warning Signs of U.S. Hyperinflation
From the National Inflation Association, here are 4 of the 12 warning signs of the forthcoming U.S. Hyperinflation.
- The Federal Reserve is Buying 70% of U.S. Treasuries.
- The Private Sector Has Stopped Purchasing U.S. Treasuries.
- The Fed Funds Rate Remains Near Zero.
- U.S. Faces Largest Ever Interest Payment Increases.
Get ready...
Commercial Real Estate on Borrowed Time?
Back in 2009 it seemed obvious that the next shoe to fall was commercial real estate. Well, government stimulus has delayed this; however, the stimulus is running out; thus, get ready for the next leg down. The liquidity created as the US monetizes its own debt is bypassing real estate and flowing into gold, silver, food and oil.
Caterpillar CEO's Letter Talks of Leaving Illinois
In a letter sent on March 21st, the CEO of Caterpillar is raising the specter of getting Caterpillar, that employs 23,000 people in Illinois out of the state. The people at Caterpillar must be so happy that Odrama actually singled them out as a success story of his policies.
Massachusetts Job Fair Canceled Because Of Lack Of Jobs
In a scenario that will be repeated in other areas, a job fair, in Massachusetts, was canceled due to lack of employers. They only needed 20 to 25 employers and could not get that. So much for our recovery.
As Adjusted Monetary Base Rises By Half A Trillion In 2011
Excess money reserves continue to go parabolic and will most likely hit $1.7 trillion by the summer. When QE3 comes into existence, we will begin to see something akin to the Weimar Republic scenario unfold before our eyes. So, if you have not started preparing, do so now. (Graph)
Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day
17 March 2011
Hyper Report - 110317
Euro Zone Debt Agreement a Ponzi Scheme
The markets cheered as eurozone leaders announced reforms to boost their economies; however, according to Niall Ferguson at Harvard University, the whole thing is a ponzi scheme where governments in red ink only generate more red ink. The insolvent banking system has been in denial and this plan only kicks the can down the road for only the near future with massive repercussions afterwords.
Mandatory Spending to Exceed all Federal Revenues
If national defense, parks, and other discretionary programs became free, the US would still have a budget deficit. Mandatory spending, of which is made up of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, would still produce a $20 billion dollar deficit. With no one in Washington willing to make the hard choices, the monetization of the debt will continue.
Higher Prices For Food Are About To Get Worse
Between the weather, demand, and currency crisis, food prices are rising. Corn, which is used in almost 9 out 10 food products, has almost doubled since last summer. Food prices rose 3.9 percent last month, the most since November 1974, and it is going to get a lot worse.
Utah To Require Teaching That US Is A Republic, Not A Democracy
Looks like Utah, after voting to make silver and gold legal tender, now a bill, if passed will require teachers to teach that the US is a republic and not a democracy. One should expect Teacher's Union to go on strike soon in that state.
Over 2,500 U.S. Credit Unions Considered Weak
2,573, or about 34%, of the Nation's 7,500 credit unions are financially weak. Consumers should avoid the weakest institutions and seek business strictly with the strongest. Fortunately, there is a list on this story to find out which credit unions and banks are considered weak and strong. Of course, one should really get out of the fiat ponzi scheme anyway.
11 Metro Areas Where the Jobs Recovery Has Failed
Since January 2010, the reported employment increased by only 0.8 percent; however, here is a list of cities where the recovery has downright failed... Las Vegas, Newark, San Francisco, Atlanta, Riverside, Los Angelos, Minneapolis, Phoenix, Long Island, Miami and Boston. Aren't you glad that Odrama has been focusing on unemployment like a laser beam?
TSA Admits Bungling of Airport Body-Scanner Radiation Tests
The child fondler officials at the TSA have admitted that the 500 body scanners, at 78 airports and which were not tested on mice or biological material, expose people to unnecessary high radiation; however, they will still keep those machines in operation. Isn't that extra special.
Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day
03 March 2011
Hyper Report - 110303
At Least One Eurozone Country Will Default
If Brent Crude rises above $150, at least one euro zone country will default and the entire region will fall into recession. The result of this rise would be particularly bad for Ireland, where the economy would shrink by 3% in 2011 as a result. Spain, Greece, and Portugal would face a double whammy since they have no room to offset the oil shock by slowing the pace of fiscal consolidation. Unfortunately, the way things are going, crude could easily surpass $150.
Why the Dollar's Reign Is Near an End
The dollar, at the moment, is the most convenient currency in which to do business. It is also the world's safe haven during a crisis and there is no single alternative to do international transactions. Because of the dollar's volatility ,and the rising yuan, it is loosing most-favored currency status; and thus, we be witnessing a dead currency walking.
22 Ways To Fight Rising Food Prices
Here are a few...
- Eat at home.
- Shop with a plan.
- Avoid prepared foods.
- Skip bottled water.
- Buy in bulk.
- Use coupons and store reward cards
- Compare prices and shop for sales.
As Silver Touches $34.90, US Mint Runs Out Of Bullion Blanks
The scramble for non-dilutable currencies hits a frenzy as silver just touches on a fresh 31 year high of $35.02. In addition, the US Mint has seized, until sufficient inventories of silver bullion blanks can be acquired, production of American Eagles. Simple case of supply and demand. Unfortunately, price is not reflecting the true demand; thus, there will be continued backwardation of silver.
Federal Reserve Chief Warns GOP: Don't Hold Debt-Ceiling Vote Hostage
Benji Bernanke said he is "worried" about Republican efforts to link a decision on the nation's debt ceiling to passage of reforms to curb federal spending. He is worried about people, at least remotely appearing, to be fiscally responsible? What an idiot.
TSA Hit by New Scandal as Passenger Boards Plane with THREE Boxcutters
Who wants to look through somebody’s luggage when airporn Body scans are so much more entertaining. Perhaps this what TSA agents said when confronted with the fact that they let a passenger board an international flight with three boxcutters in his hand luggage. There appears to be no purpose for an government paid organization that violates the fourth amendment of the constitution and cannot perform a basic requirement of keeping weapons off planes.
Earthquakes in Arkansas May Be Man-Made, Experts Warn
The sudden swarm of earthquakes in Arkansas -- including the largest quake to hit the state in 35 years -- is very possibly an after effect of natural-gas drilling, or fracking, experts warn. Of course, more study is needed; however, it is not out of the realm to believe that all of these seismic activities may be causing undue stress on the New Madrid Fault; therefore, one should prepare accordingly.
Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day
02 March 2011
Hyper Report - 110302
China's Holdings Of US Debt Larger Than Reported
China's holdings of US bonds reached $1.16 trillion at the end of December, almost $270 billion more than previously estimated. Japan is second at 882 billion and Britain bringing up the third position with 272 billion. Because the math was so far off, are we now going to hear little lying Timmy Geither say that he had trouble with the calculator now?
Did China or Jihadists try to bankrupt America?
A Pentagon report reveals financial terrorists may have triggered the economic crash who had the motive to harm the U.S. economy. Financial Terrorists? Sadly, the real culprits were our own elected officials trying to stay in office by spending money like a drunk teenager with his parents credit card. Translation, we did it to ourselves.
Food Prices To Skyrocket, Riots Could Follow, Suggests USDA
With agricultural commodity prices, like wheat and corn, going through the roof, the USDA says that inflated food prices will trickle into grocery stores throughout 2011 and with 43 million Americans barely getting by with food stamps, this may cause food riots. In addition, local farms being replaced by factory farms makes the problem worse; therefore, start preparing now before its too late.
Bernanke: Fed Ready to Tackle Inflation if Necessary
Benji Bernanke said that the Fed is ready to respond as necessary to a surge in global commodity prices caused in part by unrest in the Middle East. Unfortunately, what this bastard is not telling people, is that the only way to lower commodity prices is to increase interest rates, making bonds more attractive, which will drive up the amount of debt and make the dollar crash faster.
Pension Funds Strained, States Look at 401(k) Plans
Lawmakers in many states, faced with huge shortfalls in pension funds, will try to move workers away from those pension plans and toward 401(k)s. So, how does one turn in red pension funds into 401(k)'s? Simple... Seize all private 401(k)s and even it out. Isn't that extra special.
They're Playing Games, Literally, In The Justice Department
Members of the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department are sitting around litterly playing solitaire on the job. All this while, Odrama, and his cabal, want a 14 percent increase in manpower and an 18 percent increase in spending in this division. With irresponsible oversight like this, it is no wonder people believe government is a real fustercluck.
Gas Thieves Drilling Holes Into Tanks Of Parked Vehicles
In Fort Mill South Carolina, thieves are drilling holes in parked cars and stealing gas. Guess, drilling for gas is cheaper than pumping it at the gas station. Most of the vehicles targeted have been pickup trucks with their large gas tanks. So keep an eye on your vehicles.
Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day
21 February 2011
Hyper Report - 110221
The Real Crisis That W402.20ill Soon Hit the US
The real crisis, in the form of food shortages is coming... and it’s coming fast. Between 2008 and 2012, the world's population is expected to go from 6 to 7 billion. Up until the 1960's we just added cropland to increase the food supply; however since then, we have used fertilizers, modified seeds, and irrigation. It worked for a time; however, now the the yields are beginning to drop. This is an absolute recipe for disaster.
The Next 17 Big Companies That Are Heading Toward Bankruptcy
Here are five companies heading toward Bankruptcy.
- Technicolor
- Barnes & Noble
- Warner Music Group
- Canadian Satellite Radio Holding
- American Apparel
Silver Rises To 30-Year High As Mints Start to Ration Coins
Silver is hitting post Hunt highs and there has been such a surge in buying physical metal that many dealers simply cannot keep up. David Madge, head of bullion sales at the Royal Canadian Mint, said that demand is at least twice that of volume. Translation: The physical price is now driving the paper price and the manipulation is unraveling faster.
Oklahoma Could Invest In Precious Metals Under Proposal
An Oklahoma House panel passed a bill that would allow the state treasurer to invest in silver and gold bullion. The measure now goes to a House budget committee for further review. If if becomes law, I hope they don't invest in SLV or GLD, or they are screwed.
U.S. Government Software Creates "Fake People" To Spread Message Via Social Networking
It now appears that the government has the ability to pass information, or misinformation, online. No wonder some in government want online voting. Isn't that extra special.
House Blocks Funding For Health Care Law
The House of Representative voted to block funding to implement Obamacare. Speaking of Obamacare, Democratic Representative Debbie Wasserman of Florida suggested the word Obamacare should be banned. Gee, I wonder why?
Leaked Document Shows Major US bank Preparing For Further Economic Turmoil
Please watch this video, by Drutter, detailing that even the banks themselves privately acknowledge that things are going to get a lot worse.
Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day
18 February 2011
Hyper Report - 110218
What Is Wrong With The U.S. Economy?
Please review the 10 economic charts that details the economic catastrophe facing the U.S.. From government expansion with skyrocketing debt to the dollar collapse, things are very grim.
How To Fake An Economic Recovery
Here are some simple ways the government to fake an economy. See if you recognize any of these symptoms.
- Make unemployment, and inflation, appear less than it really is by manipulation.
- Prop up the stock market and use it as an economic indicator.
- Counterfeit money to pay off debt.
- Marginalize credit agencies that would let the cat out of the bag.
Outlook for Food Prices: High
With prices for for food commodities soaring, the overall mix of production is likely to be similar to last year. So, how much corn will be going into that costly environmental failure -Ethanol? In addition, we are being told that there is no inflation.
Some Oil From Reserve To Be Sold
The government is preparing to sell emergency crude oil, worth $500 million dollars, because of possible problems with one of the underground storage caverns. This appears to fall in line with plans to create a shortage crisis.
RED ALERT Email between Metal Experts
There is a plan to use the IMF (AKA US Treasury and Wall Street) to issue a new world currency. A source said when gold hits $2000, it will be nationalized, or confiscated, for $200 then reissued by the U.S. Treasury for $10,000 to back SDR's which will be the new world currency. How will the government pay $200 for an ounce of gold? By buying it at $2000 and taxing the revenue at 90%. Large physical gold is being moved to Canada; however, is that really safe?
US Senate Votes To Extend Patriot Act Measures
In a vote of 86 to 12, the Senate has voted to extend by 90 days the unconstitutional Patriot, or Police State, Act. Not surprising, the White House wanted a longer extension.
Dollar On Edge of The Abyss
If the U.S. Dollar goes below 75.63, this will cause accelerated inflation of all commodities. Causing the collapse of discretionary spending like in 2008 and 2009. In addition, food riots world wide will intensify. And don't think you're safe with euros.
Arkansas Cities Feel Unexplained Surge In Earthquakes
Several small earthquakes ranging in magnitude from 1.8 to 3.8 have rattled the north-central Arkansas cities of Greenbrier and Guy this week, and the cause is unknown. It is important to note that Arkansas sits on the New Madrid Fault line.
Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day
15 February 2011
Hyper Report - 110215
France Wants New Global Finance System
Now France is joining the international choirs that wants a new global finance system that is based on several international currencies. Hitch America to 19 other currencies? What could go wrong? Oops, the euro part deuce.
Debt Now Equals Total U.S. Economy
Odrama projects that the gross federal debt will top $15 trillion this year, officially equaling the size of the entire economy. The 2011 budget will see the biggest one-year jump in debt in history. Now isn't that special.
White House Expects Deficit to Spike to $1.65 Trillion
The federal deficit will spike to 1.65 Trillion for this fiscal year and will equal about 10.9 percent of GDP. In addition, Odrama is proposing a $3.73 Trillion dollar budget for next fiscal year. How can we have a nearly $4 trillion budget while only collecting $2 trillion in taxes? The so-called 100 billion dollars in fiscal cuts being discussed is pretty much jettison a few deck chairs and claiming that the Titanic has been saved. As George Washington said..."The last official act of any government is to loot the treasury."
Geithner Tells Obama Debt Expense to Increase to Record
The days of low borrowing costs to service the national debt are all but over. Interest expense will rise to 3.1 percent of GDP by 2016. Demand for Treasuries remains close to record levels at government debt auctions, thanks to the Federal Reserve monetizing the debt. The Federal Reserve will not monetize the debt.
Surging Corn Set To Fuel Widespread Price Hikes
The rising price of corn, that is used in the vast majority of foods, is finding its increased price, of over $7 a bushel, into a multitude of products. The USDA reported that corn supplies are at their tightest level in 15 years; yet we still make ethanol.
Clothing Prices to Rise 10 Pct Starting in Spring
Cotton has more than doubled in price over the past year, hitting all-time highs. The price of other synthetic fabrics, some that use oil, have jumped roughly 50 percent. When reviewing the production costs in clothing, raw materials account for 25 to 50 percent and labor is from 20 to 40 percent; thus, leaving no doubt about increasing prices of clothing.
Inflation, Hyperinflation and Real Estate
Because of lack of buyers and interest rates being high during high inflation or hyperinflation, the pool of customers to buy houses shrinks; therefore, the prices of houses go down relative to other goods and services. As an example, in Chile during their 1973, hyperinflation, a house went from $650,000 to $90,000. You can buy a house cheap during a hyper-inflationary event; however, you will need to buy it in one shot using money.
Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day
11 February 2011
Hyper Report - 110211
Mexico's Big Freeze
80-100% of the crops in Mexico have reportedly been wiped out by the extreme cold. This time of year, Mexico supplies a significant percent of North America's row crop vegetables such as green beans, eggplant, cucumbers, squash peppers, asparagus, and round and roma tomatoes. This will impact supplies 30 to 60 days from now. Please get ready now and remember the old saying... Panic now and avoid the rush.
The Coming Silver Accident
Silver has the largest short position that’s ever existed in anything. Unbridled short selling and manipulation has artificially depressed silver's price. The law of supply and demand is about to hit the real world in a big way.
Terror Threat 'Most Heightened' Since 9/11, Napolitano Says
According to Janet Napolitano, the terrorist threat is at its most heightened state since 9-11. She says that we are are facing threats from groups with Al Qaeda-like ideology. Perhaps, she is referring to the TSA that routinely violate the 4th amendment of the U.S. Constitution. In addition, the government has bolstered its terrorist watch lists, that includes pre-teen children.
'Inexcusable' Delay On TSA Body-Scanner Safety Reports
Two months after Congress called for radiation inspection reports to be made public, the TSA still has not complied. Perhaps, it is because the TSA is still publishing airporn containing the negative images of the 15 million X-rays.
U.S. Footing $100M Bill for U.N. Security Upgrade
The U.S. State Department, being fiscally irresponsible, has graciously donated 100 million in U.S. Tax dollars to finance security upgrades at the U.N.. Time to shut down the State Department.
Judge Rules Against Bank In Mortgage Modification Suit
The ruling again throws into question the legality of hundreds of thousands of foreclosures. Banks when they packaged up the home loans and sold them for a profit without going through the legal process, essentially forfeited the mortgage agreement.
Obama Rolls Out 18 Billion Dollar Internet Plan
Odrama has rolled out yet another big spending plan. This one is intended to offer high-speed wireless internet coverage to 98 percent of Americans. It will cost some 18 billion dollars to help develop the national wireless network that will most likely be overseen by the Department of Homeland Security with a kill switch controlled by Odrama.
Ron Paul Says Next US Crash Will Be Comparable To That Of Soviet Union
Ron Paul believes, based on history, that the next crash will be similar to what happened in the Soviet Union. He also said that there is so much unemployment and it is so under counted. In fact, the free market economists estimate unemployment at 22%. He goes on to say that QE2 is a total failure unless you work on Wall Street and that we need to take power from this international cartel.
Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day
10 February 2011
Hyper Report - 110210
Back to the Future?
China's central bank raised interest rates for the third time in four months to counter the inflation that is besetting fast-growing emerging economies. Commodity prices could threaten the global recovery, just as they did in the summer of 2008. Benji Bernanke's 600 billion dollar plus QE2, met with international disdain, is a major driver of commodity price surges. So, get ready for the summer 2008, part duex, but far worse.
Derivatives: The Real Reason Bernanke Funnels Trillions Into Wall Street Banks
Benji Bernanke is printing money and funneling it into the Wall Street banks for one reason and one reason only. That reason is: DERIVATIVES. The top 5 banks that Benji has been focused on, JP Morgan, Bank of America, Citi Bank, Goldman Sacks, and HSBC have over $188 Trillion in Derivatives. At some point, the 600 Trillion dollar derivative market will implode, and at that point, it’s game over for Wall Street and the Fed.
JPMorgan, HSBC Silver Futures Cases Consolidated
A judicial panel consolidated class action litigation involving JPMorgan and HSBC The suit involves the manipulation of the the silver market and making billions of dollars. The courts are most likely not take this case seriously and will dismiss it in one simple shot. If they do find them guilty, they will most likely fine them a few million dollars compared to the Billions that the banks have made. China, a communist country, will not listen to some BS judicial panel or the complicit CFTC.
White House Plans to Revamp Mortgage Market
Odrama now wants to phase out the government controlled Fannie and Freddie in revamping governments role in the mortgage industry. So, who would control the mortgages? JP Morgan to pay off the Chinese? I smell a rat folks!
EPA Chief Lambasted at Hearing
EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson got lambasted by Representative John Shimkus about Carbon emission capping for new power plants at a congressional hearing. In addition, he even asked her 'Do You Believe in the Law of Supply and Demand?!' Of course, the EPA's real mission is to stop any economic recovery at all costs.
Slush Fund of Top Politicians Found at Vatican Bank
Slush fund accounts of the following people have been identified and seized at the Vatican bank. Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, All of the Bushes and Clintons, Joe Biden, Tim Geithner, Janet Napolitano, and others. Is there something about this bank that we should know about?
A Storm is a Comin’
We live in a fantasy world that is dependent upon an infinite supply; however, things will crash when the Infinite supply paradigm smashes into finite resource reality. Remember, great civilizations before us may have perished but enough aware individuals survived to continue on. Those who fail to prepare, are preparing to perish.
Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day
08 February 2011
Hyper Report - 110208
Rising Global Food Prices Help Fuel Protests
The United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization reports that food prices hitting 3.4 percent, set record highs last month. Four main factors are seen as driving food prices higher: weather, higher and changing demand, smaller yields and crops diverted to biofuels. The World Bank managing director said: "Food prices are not only rising, but they are also volatile and will continue this way into the future,"
Canadian Dollar Reaches Highest Level Since May 2008 on Economic Growth
On good economic news of GDP growing at 3 percent, the Canadian loonie rose 1.4 percent against the collapsing U.S. dollar this week after two consecutive weeks of declines. The loonie has been trading above the dollar every day this year, the longest period since December 2007. This is sure to be a trend that will continue.
Obama Reaches for Corporate Support
After spending two years vilifying the U.S. Chamber of Commerce with statements of taking bribes from foreign associates, Odrama, seeing the writing on the wall, is now desperately trying to get them to support his plans to increase federal spending for green energy, roads, bridges, and other infrastructure projects. So, the question is... What is in those cigarettes that Odrama is smoking? Has he not seen the debt?
Egypt's Internet Crackdown 'Had US Help'
Surprise Surprise Surprise! According to Free Press, an advocacy group, a California-based company helped Egypt inspect internet messaging by protesters since the uprising in Cairo. Free Press claims the Egyptian government's alleged use of such technology to read messages and even track cellphone users via GPS coordinates and SMS messaging was an infraction of the protesters' human rights. This technology is being used by Iran, China, Burma and others. It really would not be surprising to learn that Homeland Security is unconstitutionally doing this inside the U.S. as well.
China Silver Imports Hit Record 3500 Tons In 2010
Silver is getting hot in China because of increasing demand for industrial use and jewelery purposes. In 2005, China exported 3,000 tonnes and now it is an importer. China’s gross imports of silver increased 15 percent to 5,159 tons in 2010. Today industrial uses account for 44% of worldwide silver consumption and in conjunction with investment and store of value demand, industrial demand continues to grow.
Bill Gates: Vaccine-Autism Link 'An Absolute Lie'
Well, it looks like Bill Gates has jumped on the Ted Turner Express to insanity as he wants to spend 10 billion dollars in the next 10 years for vaccines. Wonder if he is also writing "Population Reduction for Dummies"?
FCC: Presidential Emergency Alerts to be Tested
The FCC is going to replace those emergency alert system tests with a new one involving the President. I can see it now... This is only a test, but the President will interrupt all communication for one of his political speeches that should last 40 minutes.
Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day
21 January 2011
Hyper Report - 110121
Top Investors Betting on China’s Downfall
With all the hoopla about China in the News, it is interesting to note that some of the most respected brains in the world are doing everything they can to "short China" via a growing number of bearish hedge funds. They suspect that China’s growth may based on a huge credit bubble backed by inflated property prices. Also, do not forget about those ghost cities.
12 Economic Collapse Scenarios That We Could Potentially See In 2011
Here are 7 of the 12 economic collapse scenarios that we could see.
Gold and Silver Default Scenarios
Because of informal defaults already taking place, in the form of large paper bribes, in both the silver and gold markets, there is discussion of a formal default. Unfortunately for the bankers, foreign governments, seeing the declining dollar, will not accept cash, and that is when the real fun begins.
End of Euro?... Ireland Prints Own Notes
In December, Irish Central banks financed banks by effectively printing 51 billion euros out of thin air. With this latest development, it will not be long before the euro collapses completely because other euro zone nations like Germany, who are worried about their own economies, will flee from the euro.
Boeing To Cut 1,100 jobs In C-17 Program
In an example of the new economy, the day after cutting a $19B deal with China, Boeing announced the cutting of 1,100 US jobs. About 900 of the planned 1,100 job cuts were expected to be made at the Long Beach plant; which will add more to the unemployment rolls in California.
Path Is Sought for States to Escape Debt Burdens
Policy makers are working behind the scenes to come up with a way to let states declare bankruptcy to get out of debts like public pension funds. Unlike cities, the states cannot seek protection in federal bankruptcy court because the states are considered sovereign. With that said, they are seeking a similar opportunity afforded General Motors, and effectively screw the stakeholders, or in this case... the taxpayers.
U.S. Supreme Court Issues Landmark Decision: Constitution is Void
On the 18th of January, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a landmark decision, by denying the sanctioning the corruption of federal judges, it allows judges to void sections of the Constitution at will. Sadly, if this article is true, then we may no longer have any constitutional rights.
Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day
Top Investors Betting on China’s Downfall
With all the hoopla about China in the News, it is interesting to note that some of the most respected brains in the world are doing everything they can to "short China" via a growing number of bearish hedge funds. They suspect that China’s growth may based on a huge credit bubble backed by inflated property prices. Also, do not forget about those ghost cities.
12 Economic Collapse Scenarios That We Could Potentially See In 2011
Here are 7 of the 12 economic collapse scenarios that we could see.
- U.S. debt could become a massive crisis at any moment.
- Rumors of physical gold and silver shortages confirmed
- The debt bubble could burst at any time and throw the whole planet into chaos.
- The municipal bond crisis could go "supernova" at any time.
- The price of oil could trigger massive decline
- Food Inflation will trigger massive riots.
- War
Gold and Silver Default Scenarios
Because of informal defaults already taking place, in the form of large paper bribes, in both the silver and gold markets, there is discussion of a formal default. Unfortunately for the bankers, foreign governments, seeing the declining dollar, will not accept cash, and that is when the real fun begins.
End of Euro?... Ireland Prints Own Notes
In December, Irish Central banks financed banks by effectively printing 51 billion euros out of thin air. With this latest development, it will not be long before the euro collapses completely because other euro zone nations like Germany, who are worried about their own economies, will flee from the euro.
Boeing To Cut 1,100 jobs In C-17 Program
In an example of the new economy, the day after cutting a $19B deal with China, Boeing announced the cutting of 1,100 US jobs. About 900 of the planned 1,100 job cuts were expected to be made at the Long Beach plant; which will add more to the unemployment rolls in California.
Path Is Sought for States to Escape Debt Burdens
Policy makers are working behind the scenes to come up with a way to let states declare bankruptcy to get out of debts like public pension funds. Unlike cities, the states cannot seek protection in federal bankruptcy court because the states are considered sovereign. With that said, they are seeking a similar opportunity afforded General Motors, and effectively screw the stakeholders, or in this case... the taxpayers.
U.S. Supreme Court Issues Landmark Decision: Constitution is Void
On the 18th of January, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a landmark decision, by denying the sanctioning the corruption of federal judges, it allows judges to void sections of the Constitution at will. Sadly, if this article is true, then we may no longer have any constitutional rights.
Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day
17 January 2011
Hyper Report - 110117
China is a Giant Money-Sucking Black Hole
China, the biggest exporter in the world, sells tons of goods abroad. In return, the world gives China money. Then, to the detriment of the global economy, China either hoards this money or wastes it through inefficient use. The Chinese government accumulates foreign currencies in order to keep the yuan undervalued. They may buy other government debt; however, this is not a natural economic flow of commerce.
Hu Highlights Need for U.S.-China Cooperation, Questions Dollar
In China's onward march to world reserve status, Chinese President Hu questioned the dollar and relegated it as a product of the past. Could this be the economic shot heard around the world? When the dollar is no longer the world Reserve currency. The economy of the US will quickly collapse.
Holiday Spending "Record" Not As Good As It Looks
Holiday spending reached the highest level on record last year, but that news isn't as good as it sounds. The $462 billion in holiday spending beats the $453 billion peak in 2007; however, the one thing that is overlooked is inflation. Yes, inflation, despite what Benji Bernanke and others say and it is going to get a lot worse in the near future.
Food stamp surge in Illinois
In Illinois, over 857,000 households are relying on food stamps. Job losses caused by the recession drove numbers up over the year in all seven counties in the Chicago area. Needless to say, this is going to be a trend, not only for Illinois, but for other states during this so-called recovery.
City Of Detroit Sends Out Thousands Of Incorrect Property Tax Bills
Nearly 60,000 property tax bills were mailed out with the wrong interest rate by the city of Detroit that is essentially broke. Some property owners got two tax bills, while others got none. It is becoming apparent that the entire city administration needs to be replaced with random names drawn from the local telephone directory. Couldn't be worse.
Cruise Lines Abandon San Diego due to Mexico Drug Crime, High California Taxes
The progressive tax-and-spend policies in California and the drug war violence spilling in from Mexico have chased another lucrative business out of the state. This is a simple direct cause and effect learning experience folks. Drugs, killers and high taxes have a price. Now that Odrama has relaxed tourism to Cuba, which cruise line will be the first to dock in Havana?
N.J. Assemblywoman Slams Brakes On Bicycle License Plate Proposal
Assemblywoman Cleopatra Tucker quickly withdrew a bill that would require a 10 dollar license plate for each bicycle and impose a fine of up to 100 dollars for non-compliance after outcry's from the public. Keeping in mind the fiscal situation of New Jersey, this sack-of-beep is quoted saying the following: "My intention was never to impose a burden or additional costs" Riight. Just watch out for charlatans like her in a city near you.
Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day
14 January 2011
Hyper Report - 110114
World Moves Closer to Food Price Shock
If you have not started buying your long-term food supply, perhaps this may be an incentive for you to get started. The US government surprised traders by cutting forecasts for key crops, sending corn and soybean prices to their highest level in 30 months. With the destruction of many crops by floods in Australia, this will only add to the soon coming hysteria.
Moody’s Warns Most Advanced Nations To Tackle Spending
Moody's is warning the U.S., U.K., Germany and France to clamp down on the health-care and pension expenditures in order to stabilize their debt structure over the long term. Long term!?! For the U.S., that is a desperate short term need with the U.S. spending like a drunken college student with his parents credit card.
Public Strongly Opposes Debt Ceiling Increase
According to a recent poll, the U.S. public overwhelmingly, by 71 percent, oppose raising the country's debt limit. Only 18 percent support the increase. Sadly, even with this poll, the debt limit will be increased because the public need for government aid has gotten too big. Social Security and Medicare expenditures themselves, without Defense spending, has gotten too big.
Jobless Claims Jump, Wholesale Food Costs Surge
The number of Americans filing for first-time unemployment benefits rose unexpectedly to 445,000 from 410,000 in the prior week. On top of of that, food and energy costs, not a factor in the official measure of inflation in the banana republic of the US, climbed 1.1 percent in December. Also, as more Americans have maxed out their credit or are seeing their income go down, the U.S. trade gap narrowed to $38.3 billion in November from $38.4 billion in October.
Lawmaker's New Proposal Would Hit Feds With Charges
The Montana state legislature, exercising the 10th amendment, is proposing a law that would declare local law enforcement the pre-eminent authority over federal officials in their jurisdiction. This means the IRS, FBI, EPA and other federal agencies would have to seek approval from local law enforcement for for any action. If this becomes state law, expect a massive court battle on this one folks.
Grocery Shrink Ray
In the 70's, there was a Sid and Marty Kroft show called Dr. Shrinker. Well, it appears that the shrink ray is being used today. Seriously, from toilet paper size to redesign of packages to mask lower quantities, items are getting smaller and smaller due to inflation. Take a look at the site, I especially liked the Swiss bread.
New Glass Stronger and Tougher Than Steel
In a new use for palladium, a new metallic glass has been developed that is stronger than steel. Because of the high bulk-to-shear modules ratio of palladium-containing material, the glass will bend rather than crack. So, instead of transparent Aluminum from Star Trek, we may have transparent palladium.
Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day
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