10 January 2011

Hyper Report - 110110

Costs are going up in America for 2011
Because of bad monetary policy and the U.S. debt, prices in 2011 are going up big time. Oil is expected to go above $100 per barrel when it was only $67 this time last year. Agricultural commodity prices will impact consumers by reducing their purchasing power for non-food items. And with a 70% consumer based economy, the reduction in purchasing power will make the economy go right back down again.

US Jobs Report An ‘Utter Mess’
The White House will spin the lower unemployment rate from 9.8 to 9.4 percent as a great triumph, however, it is because of the 260,000 fewer people in the labor force ie. they are giving up finding a job.

Banks Lose Key Foreclosure Case in top Massachusetts Court
In a Holy Crap moment, the Massachusetts' highest court, in a unanimous decision, voided the seizure of two homes by banks after they failed to show they held the mortgages at the time they foreclosed. Needless, to say, this will effect mortgages across the country.

CBO Says Repealing ObamaCare Would Reduce Net Spending by $540 Billion
In another holy crap moment, the Congressional Budget Office said that the repealing Obamacare would reduce net spending by $540 billion between 2012 and 2021. Repealing the bill would also eliminate $770 billion in taxes. It will be fun to hear those who insisted the CBO was non partisan to now say the CBO is partisan.

Illinois Taxes: How Blue Can You Get?
To balance its' massive deficit, the super geniuses in the Illinois state legislature have decide that they will increase taxes for each taxpayer by a whopping 75%. Not only that, they will add a dollar tax to each cigarette pack sold as well. Illinois is one of those states losing a congressional seat as a result of the 2010 census. Other high tax states either maintained seats, like California, or lost seats like New York. At some point, state legislatures will learn that socialist agendas will drive paying taxpayers out of their states; but unfortunately, not anytime soon.

US Says Too Much Fluoride in Water
It has been discovered that there is too much fluoride in the water we drink; therefore, the government plans lower fluoride limits; study shows kids have splotchy teeth. Well gee, if these super geniuses did even a simple search on the web, they would have discovered that the negatives outweigh the positive in anyone digesting fluoride.

Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day

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