17 January 2011

Hyper Report - 110117

China is a Giant Money-Sucking Black Hole
China, the biggest exporter in the world, sells tons of goods abroad. In return, the world gives China money. Then, to the detriment of the global economy, China either hoards this money or wastes it through inefficient use. The Chinese government accumulates foreign currencies in order to keep the yuan undervalued. They may buy other government debt; however, this is not a natural economic flow of commerce.

Hu Highlights Need for U.S.-China Cooperation, Questions Dollar
In China's onward march to world reserve status, Chinese President Hu questioned the dollar and relegated it as a product of the past. Could this be the economic shot heard around the world? When the dollar is no longer the world Reserve currency. The economy of the US will quickly collapse.

Holiday Spending "Record" Not As Good As It Looks
Holiday spending reached the highest level on record last year, but that news isn't as good as it sounds. The $462 billion in holiday spending beats the $453 billion peak in 2007; however, the one thing that is overlooked is inflation. Yes, inflation, despite what Benji Bernanke and others say and it is going to get a lot worse in the near future.

Food stamp surge in Illinois
In Illinois, over 857,000 households are relying on food stamps. Job losses caused by the recession drove numbers up over the year in all seven counties in the Chicago area. Needless to say, this is going to be a trend, not only for Illinois, but for other states during this so-called recovery.

City Of Detroit Sends Out Thousands Of Incorrect Property Tax Bills
Nearly 60,000 property tax bills were mailed out with the wrong interest rate by the city of Detroit that is essentially broke. Some property owners got two tax bills, while others got none. It is becoming apparent that the entire city administration needs to be replaced with random names drawn from the local telephone directory. Couldn't be worse.

Cruise Lines Abandon San Diego due to Mexico Drug Crime, High California Taxes
The progressive tax-and-spend policies in California and the drug war violence spilling in from Mexico have chased another lucrative business out of the state. This is a simple direct cause and effect learning experience folks. Drugs, killers and high taxes have a price. Now that Odrama has relaxed tourism to Cuba, which cruise line will be the first to dock in Havana?

N.J. Assemblywoman Slams Brakes On Bicycle License Plate Proposal
Assemblywoman Cleopatra Tucker quickly withdrew a bill that would require a 10 dollar license plate for each bicycle and impose a fine of up to 100 dollars for non-compliance after outcry's from the public. Keeping in mind the fiscal situation of New Jersey, this sack-of-beep is quoted saying the following: "My intention was never to impose a burden or additional costs" Riight. Just watch out for charlatans like her in a city near you.

Please prepare now for the beginning of the economic and social unrest. Good Day

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