13 October 2010

Hyper Report - 101013

Stocks Drop As Fed Rate-Setter Rattles Investors
Here we go folks! Get ready for the QE2 to start sailing in early November after the elections! Yes, we will see massive hikes in the cost of goods and services and there is no way around it and I wish I were wrong. As stocks slump, you can expect to see commodities to skyrocket.

Food Stamp Nation With Massive Inflation
The number of people in the United States needing food stamps to survive is trending toward 45 million. Our food stamps have replaced the soup lines; however, the pain is still there. Inflation is increasing in foods like pork that is up 68%, coffee up by 45%, oranges up by 35% and the list goes on. We are increasingly having a "the tale of two economies"... Those who are wealthy and those who are struggling to feed themselves.

US Cities Face Half a Trillion Dollars of Pension Deficits
Is is possible that cities could default on pensions? With a $574 billion funding gap, it appears it may be so. Looks like those cities will need more of that Obama money.

Google Plans Alternative Inflation Index Using Web Data
Google, with its vast database of web shopping data, could spell the end of the bogus Inflation Index. By covering the real prices that people pay for goods and services, that are tax free, this instrument is in a position to more accurately calculate inflation rates. Perhaps, it will be able to determine differing inflation rates from different regions of the country.

The Demise of the Dollar
Arab states have launched secret moves with China, Russia and France to stop using the US currency for oil trading. Secret meetings have taken place; such that, the U.S. dollar will be replaced as the world's reserve currency by a basket of currencies. The plan is to do this within nine years; however, I believe it will be sooner.

Gold Is The Best Asset Class To Be In
For the short term, gold is definitely the best thing to be in and you do not want to be late to the party. Finding a real analyst, who is not in the main stream media, that is bearish on gold is a tough task. To give you an idea, China, the world's largest gold producer, has a such a domestic demand that it is actually importing gold; thus, the price is going up.

Death Panels for Democrats
The Democratic leadership is effectively pulling the financial plug and letting several of its members go flat line. The Triage began Monday to fortify those who they believe have the best chance of survival. Personally, it is the fiscally irresponsible on both sides of the aisle that need to be removed.

Please prepare now for the forthcoming economic, and subsequent social, unrest that will hit the US.
Good Day

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