26 October 2010

Hyper Report - 101026

Bernanke Says Regulators Probing Foreclosures
Instead of Regulators for the Fed probing foreclosures, perhaps they should be probing the low interest rates by the Fed. While greed, by everyone involved, is the main culprit in this mess, one must not forget the low interest rates after the dot.com bubble burst.

US Treasury Sells Negative-Rate Bonds
The abnormal state of the credit markets came into focus as the US Treasury sold bonds with negative interest rates for the first time. This is because investors believe the Fed will be successful in creating inflation.

99 Weeks: When Unemployment Benefits Run Out
At a cost of over $100 billion, Congress extended unemployment benefits for 99 weeks. Many of those on the Unemployment extension are still unemployed as the U3 figure hangs around ten percent. What is more amazing is that it is not only the unskilled affected, many so-called educated with PhD's and Master degrees are also unemployed. Looks like they will need more of that Obama Money.

Accelerating Towards the Abyss
The US fiscal situation deteriorated at an even faster rate in fiscal 2010, than it did during 2009. Income receipts into the government have dived 39% since 2008 and during 2010, the year of supposed economic recovery, they dropped 11%. All during this drop in revenue, spending is up in several areas. Education up 74%, EPA up 36%, and Small Business Administration up 177% - which is quite ironic when one considers how small business have suffered.

Debt Has Increased $5 Trillion Since Speaker Pelosi Vowed, ‘No New Deficit Spending’
She became speaker in 2007 and vowed no new deficit spending. Since then, the national debt has increased by $5 trillion. She also claimed to clean up Washington by draining the swamp. Well, she appears to be full of swamp gas.

Why The US Has Turned Against Obama
In short, people see an "In your face and up your backside" oppressive government that passes unpopular laws that the vast majority of people do not support. In addition, the out of control spending, the international bowing and apology tour did not help.

Democrats Back Third Parties to Siphon Votes
Because they know they cannot win in the November election based on their performance, Demoncrats have resorted to stealth and trickery to siphon votes away from the onslaught. Using automated phone messages etc, they are pushing phony tea party candidates that are supported by the DNC. In short, if you vote, know who and what you are voting for and don't listen to pundits... do the research. Also, look for Union thuggery on Election day as well. If you suspect any, do not hesitate, call both the local police and the state police.

Cities Weigh Letting Noncitizens Vote
Have non-citizens to vote? Why not have illegals vote as well? Gee, I just wonder who they would vote for?

Finally, please prepare now for the forthcoming economic, and subsequent social, unrest that will hit the US.
Good Day

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