China Said to Widen Its Embargo of Minerals
China is now blocking shipments of crucial minerals to first Japan, and now, both the U.S. and Europe. This is the latest sign that the Chinese leaders are willing to use their growing economic muscle. Unlike, Bush, the Chinese will take action and not simply be the whipping boy.
Osborne Wields Axe
Half a million British civil service jobs will be cut within the next 4 years. In addition, Defense cuts will also be made and will lead the UK to be in less international military operations like Afghanistan. And Guess what, cuts like this will be coming to the U.S. in the very near future.
Silver On The Rise (Other Source)
While silver may be the forgotten, and cheap, cousin of gold; its price has been on a tear. Case in point... Silver stockpiles are down 95% from the 1950's. Silver's industrial qualities are unique and not easy to replace. Silver's use exceeds the amount mined on a yearly basis. To which, even Goldman Sachs believes silver is going up and had told its clients that silver will be over $27 in the next six months. So, if possible, buy physical and not paper. The price increase in silver will yield a mixed bag of feelings. It will be great seeing Silver go ballistic as the Federal Reserve is creating so much money; but, on the downside... The hyperinflation caused by the Federal Reserve, with the subsequent societal breakdown, will cause a bleak and horrific post-apocalyptic nightmare for many. The near future is bumpy indeed.
Economic Rant
To protect yourself from your retirement plan being converted to worthless Treasuries by the U.S. government, it is best to sell your 401k or IRA and buy physical silver bullion. This forced conversion has been done in other countries, and will be done in America. On another front... If you thought the H1N1 flu vaccine scam was bad, now they're pushing the whooping cough vaccine scam as well. There were seven deaths reported last year and some are now saying this is an epidemic. Must be the fools that believe Al Gore. Speaking of Al Gore...
The Global Warming Scam Hit by More Scandal
It appears that the kool-aid drinkers are waking up to and want to save the integrity of science. In a letter of resignation, Harold Lewis, Emeritus Professor of Physics at the University of California, chastised the integrity and credibility of the management of the American Physical Society. Let the Global Warming hoax lawsuits begin! First defendant... Al Bore.
Tea Party Gets Tough With Foes In Media (Other Source)
It is great to see a so-called main steam media journalist handcuffed and led out by security guards. At this point, mainstream media must now prove itself impartial; because many Americans have had it with their progressive laden stories wrapped up as news. Especially, since 55%, according to a recent poll, suggest that the Tea Party can help deliver change. That would be an American change and not the Odrama pro-Marxist change.
Please prepare now for the forthcoming economic, and subsequent social, unrest that will hit the US.
Good Day
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