22 October 2010

Hyper Report - 101022

Geithner's Goal: Rebalanced World Economy
Little lying Timmy said he would use weekend meetings of G-20 Summit to advance efforts to "rebalance" the world economy so it is less reliant on U.S. consumers. In addition, he will persuade others the U.S. doesn't aim to devalue its way to prosperity. Yeah, and the Fed's schedule start of quantitative easing in early November is just illusion.

Falling Dollar Means Rapid Consumer Price Inflation
The Federal Reserve is now openly threatening the US dollar by quantitative easing. This, of course, will cause increased inflation because imports are no longer be cheap. Be ready for the instant increased price shock from everything from food to oil. Of course, those on fixed incomes, such as retirees, will be the first victims in this.

The US Must Prepare For Savage Austerity
Just like the UK, we in the US will have to have our own austerity measures implemented. With that in mind and the nation broke and severely in debt, every federal department that was instituted after 1950 should be shut down. The US government functioned better and far more efficiently back then.

Retiring CFTC Judge: We Covered Up Market Manipulation
It appears that the Commodities Future Trading Commission scandal is getting harder to conceal. CFTC Administrative Law Judge, George Painter, in announcing his retirement, has stated that for over 20 years, there has been a conspiracy at the highest levels of the CFTC,
within the enforcement division. Essentially, they rigged it; such that, they found no one guilty of market manipulation.

BC Law student Asks For Money Back
In the latest sign that an education bubble exists, a third year law student facing little job prospects and a mountain of student loan debt, told the school to keep his degree an return his tuition. In short, why should young people pay tens of thousands of dollars, and get into deep into debt at the start of their lives, for a degree that may be worthless in this economic environment? It was not so long ago that a good education could open the doors to success.... sadly not anymore.

Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Bailouts Could Hit $363 Billion
The government's estimate, which always falls short, shows the black hole of the two mortgage giants will grow and double to $363 billion dollars over the next three years. Hell, with the mortgage crisis, I would think it would grow within the next 2 years. Looks like they will need more of that Obama Money.

AP Says Dem Early Voters Big Turnout in MD, But MD Early Voting Hasn’t Started
It now appears that the Associated Press has hired fortune tellers to report the news. Someone should contact the Maryland board of elections and Attorney General’s offices and ask them why this info is being published before the voting can start.

Finally, please prepare now for the forthcoming economic, and subsequent social, unrest that will hit the US. Good Day!

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